the McClurg's

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Back to Africa

We're taking the whole family back to Uganda in a few weeks! ​ As you may recall, we built the first Homes of Hope house in Africa earlier this year. It was such an amazing experience that we are thrilled to go back—plus we're a little shocked to be able to return so soon—and with the whole family. 

Although We We're Not Building a House this Time, We Are Hoping for an Even Bigger Impact

We'll be traveling with two other YWAM families, and the purpose of our trip is to meet with YWAM leaders in Uganda and discuss the possibility of planting a Homes of Hope ministry at the YWAM center in Jinja.​ Already, more than 4,000 Homes of Hope houses have been built in sixteen nations, and we are hoping that our efforts will result in more homes being built in Uganda. Our trip earlier this year was to show proof of the concept and now we want to invite the YWAMers in Africa to consider taking on this project. Our initial conversations with the leaders there have been very encouraging, so we are taking this step of faith in hopes that we can be part of planting a home-building movement.

A Visit to Faith

We plan to go to the first Homes of Hope house in Africa ​and visit with Faith and her children. We hope to see how her new house has affected her life. We will also visit the sites of two of the wells we have drilled with the Halfway There project. Stay tuned for some more reports to show up here on our family blog.

How Can We Afford to Do This?

As you can imagine, it's quite expensive to travel as a family to Africa, and we are shocked to be able to do it twice in less than a year. If we were to focus on our bank account, this wouldn't just be impossible, it would be foolish. However, in God's economy, He is guiding us to go, and so we trust him to provide. Already He's inspired people to help us with most of our expenses for this trip. Since we are faith missionaries, and do not receive a salary, we rely on family and friends to be in partnership with us. We are humbled and blessed to be sent by so many who have given sacrificially in this difficult economy. Recently, I read Paul's encouragement to Timothy: ​

Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others.  By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may experience true life​. —1 Timothy 6:18-19 New Living Translation (NLT)

We believe that God blesses those that send us and that they share in the rewards of the results of our ministry.  If you'd like to be in partnership with us, you can Adopt Our Family as Your Missionaries. A gift of any size is greatly appreciated and will help us continue to make a difference in Africa, and around the world. ​