the McClurg's

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Dominican Update from Kay Charlotte

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Right now, Kay Charlotte is in the Dominican Republic leading a Mission Adventures outreach. She is hosting and ministering to a team of 77 grade 9 students from Calgary.

Today they'll complete two (or three?) Homes of Hope houses for Dominican families. She tells me it has been Hot—so hot that the Dominicans are talking about how hot it is! She's also told me how powerful God has been moving among the students.

She shared with me that nearly half the students responded to her message the other night—eight of them became Christians, and thirty more rededicated themselves to following Jesus. 

We are so privileged to be able to do this work—thank you for joining with us in prayer. God is not done with this team yet. They've got two more days in country. So please pray for them and for Kay Charlotte: 

  • For strength in the heat.
  • To get the maximum that God has for them.
  • Travel mercy on the way home.

Thanks so much for your partnership with us!​