the McClurg's

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Here Comes the UofN Workshop

The 7000+ Square Feet that Kay Charlotte is whipping into shape… 

The University of the Nations Workshop begins on Tuesday. More than 700 YWAMers will come from all over the world for five days of worship, inspiration and training. Everyone on our campus has been working double over time to make this event possible. Kay Charlotte has been setting up the Expo Tent where there's a coffee shop, a store and booths for all the YWAM ministries that want to share their stories. Here's a few pics of the setup.

The store and cafe seating area is coming into focus…

Some of the cool merch that Craig designed…

Please pray that everything goes smoothly this week and that all our guests have an amazing conference. Pray for our staff as they have been working themselves to the bone to prepare everything. Pray that God would be glorified as we gather together to further the cause of His Kingdom!