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Leila Finds the Key

The key is…​

​I had an amazing time in Brasil. While it was hard being away from home, it was wonderful to be able to minister to some pretty incredible students. One of the young women I met shared this story with me after I spoke on Spiritual Warfare: 

My name is Leila and I'm from France. I believe I have a long term call to Muslim people. Yet, I decided to do my DTS in Recife, Brazil even though there is a YWAM center less than 20 kilometers from my home. I made this decision after I had a dream of a locked gate to an old city. In the dream I stood in front of the gate thinking that I couldn't go inside because I didn't have the key. I knew the city represented the Muslim world, but I could not enter. Later in my dream a stranger came and gave me a key, an old key… and somehow I knew I had to go to Brazil to get it. 
After arriving in Brazil I looked for anything that would make the dream make sense. After a few weeks of of the school there was no key. I began to lose hope. Then Kay Charlotte came to our school and was teaching on Spiritual Warfare and how we need to drive back darkness in the Spirit realm through fasting and prayer—it was a great teaching and I could see many principles that would be so useful in the ministry to the Muslim world. She even used the phrase  Keys to the Kingdom in the slides for her presentation, and this really encouraged me. But still no real key. 
The last day of her teaching came and there was only a few slides left. She told the story of how God had inspired her to give each of us students a gift. She shared how she went to a Jehovah's Witness shop owner and explained what the gifts were for and that God wanted her to give these items to her students so that they may be used by God to reveal what Jesus was offering us. She shared how Jesus went to Hell and took the keys of Death from Satan and now offered them to us to walk in authority in Jesus' name. Strangely, the shop owner just stared at her and then handed her the items, free of charge! None of us in the class had any idea what the items were. I was just so happy about the story of a Jehovah's Witness giving a Christian something free from their shop. 
Then Kay Charlotte turned to the last slide of her presentation. It was a picture of a pile of old keys—literal  keys—just like I saw in my dream. I was so happy. I cried as I vividly remembered my dream and why I had to come to Brazil. When I received my key, I understood that my key to open the gates to the Muslim world is the authority that I have in Christ to push back darkness. 
God opened my eyes and he used Kay Charlotte to do it and to teach me about this precious inheritance and the authority I have in Christ. I have my key! 
Thank you God and thank you Kay Charlotte!

​I'll be praying for Leila and others like her who will walk in humility and authority to bring the love of God to all the peoples of the earth. Here's a photo of the Discipleship Training School students in Recife, Brasil. Leila is in the first row, center in black. 

Pray with me for these amazing world-changers!​