the McClurg's

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Maundy Thursday

Today is the day that we traditionally celebrate The Last Supper.

That means tonight we remember the night that Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane. A few years ago, Kay Charlotte and I celebrated our 20th anniversary by taking a trip to Jerusalem. We were able to go to the likely site of this garden, just across the valley, East of the Temple Mount. On the site, this church was built:

It was designed by Antonio Barluzzi, and I think it was may favorite place. Of course, it was beautiful, and the olive trees in the garden around the chapel were too. I like to think Jesus was familiar with this place. Maybe he came here again and again to pray over the course of his lifetime. I imagine that when the gospel writers record that Jesus went away to pray, that he went to places like this one.

I tend to think that Jesus was stoic and just accepted his fate– that he resolutely marched to Jerusalem, his jaw set with a grim determination to overcome evil with self-sacrifice. But his prayer in the garden shows that he was deeply troubled, even in agony. I love that he came to this place to be near the Father.  

Jesus expressed his humanity here. He asked the Father if there was any other way. The Father seems to welcome this question. There’s no record of God being angry with Jesus for asking. There’s no indication that God wasn’t pleased with his son. This gives me courage. I think I can also go to God when I’m uncertain. Maybe I can even question his instructions. Of course, Jesus submitted himself to what was to come, and glorified his Father with his obedience.

Here’s a link to the story as recorded in the book of Matthew.