Merry Christmas to All…
Merry Christmas from the McClurg's to You | Image courtesy NASA
It's Christmas Eve at the McClurg household and the kids are a bit stir-crazy. They've already opened their Christmas Eve Gift™, (they get warm fuzzy pajamas the night before Christmas every year), and are trying to keep their minds and hands off the presents under the tree. I kinda want to send them outside, but it's cold* and rainy here in San Diego.
On our agenda today is to bake cookies, watch movies, (Elf anyone?!), go to church, and have dinner with friends. Of course, I'll be up late stuffing stockings and wrapping the last few gifts and thinking about how blessed we are that Jesus became human and made a way for us to be forever-connected with our Heavenly Father. Merry Christmas, indeed!
*Yes, cold is relative. Here it's in the 50's, which qualifies as cold to San Diegans