the McClurg's

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Pray for Kay Charlotte While She Is in Recife, Brasil

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Kay Charlotte travelled to Recife, Brasil over the weekend. She will be teaching in another Discipleship Training School this week. She'll also meet with the leadership of the YWAM center​ about how they can be involved in our Mission Adventures Network. 

The kids and I just had a video chat with Kay Charlotte. She shared with us that last week, was amazing and very tiring. In addition to her busy teaching schedule, she met individually with each student for counsel and prayer.​ Many of the students opened up about their past history and spoke about what they were learning in the school. 

Kay Charlotte asked the students and their leaders for ​feedback. Here's a few choice quotes for you:

Here's How You Can Pray for Kay Charlotte this Week:

  • Pray for Stamina. It's much hotter and more humid in Recife than it was in Maringá
  • Pray for the presence of God to empower her teaching​ on spiritual warfare
  • Pray that the students will be equipped to better know God and make Him known
  • Thanks so much for your prayers!