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Team Thailand 2024


Kay Charlotte Led a Team of 10 Short-Term Workers from Fridley Minnesota to Chiang Mai and Fang, Thailand

There was lots of laughter, a few tears, and many hugs to love-starved kids. There wasn’t quite enough delicious Thai spicy Kho Soi noodle soup — can’t ever get enough of that! There was sticky rice with mangos and coconut cream sauce. There were temple tours and prayer walks, and lots of worship songs sung. There were even shouts of, “Pants on fire!” We witnessed a brave baptism and saw oozing buckets of squid in a smelly marketplace. But in 2 short weeks, our group of golden year travelers had the time of our lives on the best mission trip ever.

Serving Ministries that Are Fighting the Giants

Abba House in Chiang Mai and Mighty Oaks in Fang, are ministries for young people who’ve either been rescued from the sex trade industry or at risk of falling through the cracks and could be targeted for that industry. Both locations are well organized and faithful to serve their communities. We went to give our time and talents through work projects, teaching English classes, visiting and encouraging the missionaries at these locations but mostly, we spent time laughing and playing with the kids. It was a wonderful experience and well worth the two days of travel to get there. These ministries are fighting trafficking and are giving identity to some worthy kids. Our in country hosts Mark Custance and David & Gan Griffith were fabulous and took great care of the team.

Kay Charlotte, Monk Magnet

In all my travels ever, the Buddhist monks have ignored me. But this time, I spoke to five monks in just one day. I’m convinced the reason for me being what my team called a “monk magnet” began the night before, during our team prayer and worship time. I publicly repented for my arrogant Christian attitude because the Buddhists didn’t know Jesus, but I did. That might seem odd because I have a deep adoration for all the peoples of the world. Yet, for some reason I saw these non-believers as lacking, instead of me seeing the humility, beauty and devotion their beliefs require. I felt deep conviction when the first monk shared how, out of obedience, he’d left his family when he was only ten years old to live in the temple to learn more about his god. I felt a voice speak softly asking me, “When did you leave your family to live in solitude in sparse conditions and study the Bible 20 hours a day?” I of course was silenced. I don’t have that kind of discipline and drive for 20 hours a day of self-sacrificing obedience. I sat and listened to my translator and Holy Spirit, challenging my faith and dedication with each spiritual practice Prajak described, I paled in comparison. Humbled is an understatement. I was floored. When Prajak, invited me and my translator onto his front porch, he positioned a rickety old chair on his nicely tiled stoop which was freshly mopped. I waited for him to speak first. As you know, this is very unlike me, but I was so humbled I was speechless. He asked me why I was there and what I believed. And he asked me what I thought about what he believed. I said I admired his dedication and courage to live the life he lives. It was a perfect set up to share about Jesus. So, I did. At the end, he allowed me to pray for him and agreed to read the Bible left for him. This was the highlight of my trip.

Throughout the day, other monks approached me to ask for photos of them with the Buddha and they wanted to practice their English. I considered it an honor to be approached. I won’t forget the much needed heart adjustment, new perspective and good ole fashioned schooling I walked away from the repentance, which led to a monk memory of a lifetime.

Thank You for Sending Us

I can’t thank you enough for sending me to the ends of the earth to share the love of God to those who don’t know Him yet. It was a privilege to lead a faithful group of people on an adventure, stretching our capabilities and surpassing our expectations. I love that the team got a chance to experience another culture, see sights, tastes, sounds and sweet aromas of Thailand. I don’t have enough words to express my gratitude for those who believe in the mission our family is called to and who’ve faithfully been a part of our financial sending team for years. I can only say, I’m grateful beyond words to go and serve on your behalf. When we go, you go with us; we are partners in ministry.

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