The Power of Vulnerability
Vulnerability is key to becoming wholehearted… as is coffee…
I heard about Brené Brown a few years ago. Several of my Facebook friends posted links to a video of her Ted Talk in Houston called, “The Power of Vulnerability”. If you haven’t seen it, be sure to check it out.
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A few months ago, I came across a CD set of her teaching on vulnerability, authenticity, connection and courage. I’ve listened to it several times and Brown’s work has become a key component of the talks I give on relationships in YWAM’s Discipleship Training Schools.
Key lessons for my life have included:
- I’ve learned to recognize that vulnerability is not weakness
- I am learning to distinguish between guilt and shame
- I am encouraged to seek stronger connection in all my relationships
The thing that strikes me is that, even in my middle years, I have more growing to do. I'm not done, and I have opportunities to become a better human. I'm very grateful for Brené Brown and for her work because she inspires me in the right direction.