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Three Kinds of Need

Moonrise over the Defender Hospitality Center at YWAM San Antonio del Mar, site of our Homes of Hope meetings. 

Last week I participated in some meetings with leaders from YWAM centers in Costa Rica, Jamaica, Mexico, and Uganda.

We discussed how the Homes of Hope ministry can be multiplied in these nations. We talked about some key concepts in community development. 

One of these is the idea of need. Giacomo Coghi of YWAM San Jose in Costa Rica shared with us about the three kinds of need: 

  • Perceived Need: What we believe they need. 
  • Felt Need: What they believe they need. 
  • Real Need: What Jesus knows they need.

Sometimes in our line of work these things can get out of whack—like the time we tried to put a toilet inside one of our early Homes of Hope houses. 

We perceived that the family should have a toilet in their house. However, the new home owner felt that it wouldn't be practical since his neighborhood didn't have sewer service. And of course, Jesus knew the real need was adequate sanitation. So once we understood what he felt, and perceived the true need, we dug a baño out back. 

Once we understood what he felt, and perceived the true need, we dug a baño.

And that's the thing about Homes of Hope. All three kinds of need can be in alignment.