the McClurg's

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Working on Love, Sex, & Dating

I wonder if the word, "Sex" in the title of my post will mean that I get more traffic…

A week from now, I'll be speaking to the students in our Discipleship Training School on Love, Sex, and Dating. There are thirteen of them, ten ladies, and three gentlemen. And of course a half dozen staff members too. I'm nervous as always. Public speaking isn't my biggest fear, but it's way up there on my List of Things to Avoid™

Even though I am nervous, this is my favorite topic. I've already got a week's worth of material… See that document in the lower right of the picture? That's about eight hours worth of teaching. But I just can't help myself. See all those other documents scattered across the table? Those are a bunch of articles I've either written or saved since the last time I updated my teaching notes. So I'm planning on being up late reading, rereading, writing, re-writing, and building new lessons on love. 

Of course, this is a lot of information… and part of the reason I'm teaching is to give this info to the students. But I want more than that. I'm not interested in them copying down some lame theories, I want to somehow inspire them to live lives of great love. That's not enough either, I want to give an impartation of God's Spirit, so that they're empowered to move beyond whatever past they have, and into the amazing future He has for them. 

Pray for me!