In a world of mass shootings it’s clear that the gospel is needed now more than ever. Only Jesus can bring the kind of heart-transformation that can draw people together.
Today, two teams of YWAM Discipleship Training School students returned from nations close to war-torn Syria. They spent the last nine weeks meeting, getting to know, and sharing about Jesus with young Muslim students. They built relationships, they created understanding, and by the grace of God, many were drawn into a relationship with Jesus.
I (Craig), helped prepare these students for this very strategic work. It was my privilege to teach that the key to sharing the gospel is on creating community and maintaining unity. But I would not have been able to go train them without being sent. I did not get paid to train these students; I volunteered my time and expertise. Instead, my friends who believe in me and my work provide for my needs so that I can go and teach.
In 2016, Kay Charlotte and I have many opportunities to prepare students to share the gospel around the world. Would you prayerfully consider sending us as your missionaries? Your gift will make a difference in a world that desperately needs it!