Maybe Exile Can Be Good for Us?!

This Is Part II of III; Here’s the First Part and Here’s the Third Part


Maybe this Can Be Good for Me


What If How I Respond to this Season Can Shape Me into Someone Who Is More Christlike?

So if this corona virus season of social distancing and stay at home orders are a little bit like exile, maybe something good can come of it. Maybe this exile can be worthwhile. Maybe it can make me into a better reflection of who Jesus is. Ok, I’m not suffering-suffering, but I think this difficulty can shape me in positive ways. Just like working out shapes me, just like denying myself shapes me, maybe this stay at home season can make me a better human. 

Hardships can create endurance. There’s something about struggle that creates an opportunity to become stronger. Of course, that same point of struggle can be a place where I give in and become self-indulgent. Many times in these last few weeks, I’ve felt myself balancing on that knife’s edge of struggle. I have often misstepped and given into selfishness. Instead of extending grace, I snap at Kay Charlotte. Instead of maintaining discipline, I gobble up another brownie, in an attempt to feel better, at least for a few minutes. But I’m also finding that I can make better choices. I’m reminded of Paul’s words:

And that’s not all. We also celebrate in seasons of suffering because we know that when we suffer we develop endurance, which shapes our characters. When our characters are refined, we learn what it means to hope and anticipate God’s goodness. And hope will never fail to satisfy our deepest need because the Holy Spirit that was given to us has flooded our hearts with God’s love.
— Romans 5:3-5 (VOICE)

See also James 1:2-4 

God is using this background anxiety I’m feeling. God is shaping me in my growing stir-craziness. I can cooperate with Holy Spirit and resist that part of me that wants to give in. I can let it shape my character. I can learn endurance. And COVID 19 has given me a unique opportunity to grow in exile.