Another Homes of Hope in Uganda
Last week we got back from our trip to Jinja, Uganda. Here are a few of our impressions:
Three Out of Four
There are a number of things that stand out in my mind regarding our recent trip to Africa. The first one being that Craig, Taylor and I went and Levi stayed in California with dear family friends. As un-impactful as that sounds, it was significant to me because I was forced to kick-in to a different gear of faith with God. Most of the time, when we travel, either the entire family goes or Craig or I stay back with the kids. I didn’t realize how faith building it was, but I stretched my faith in the area of God’s protection for my children. I really needed that. Now that the kids are getting older, I assume that might be happening a lot more in the future. YIKES!
Levi Got to Go Skiing with Family Friends
Levi's Shot of the Slopes
Jet Lag Leads to Life Change
The second thing that stands out in my mind was when Taylor and I had the amazing opportunity to pray for 3 prostitutes and their pimp to make life changing decisions to follow Christ. The women asked specifically for Taylor to pray for them. She was so sweet when she asked Jesus to help them get jobs so that they didn’t have to sell their bodies. It was precious and so reflected her purity and the heart of God towards these ladies.
Sharing the Gospel
New Friends
Who knew sleeplessness would lead to this!
Just when I thought that it couldn’t get any better after leading 4 people to the Lord, I strike up a conversation with my taxi driver and through a translator, he too asks Jesus to become the Lord of his life. WOW! God was really at work drawing people to himself. My most humbling moment was when this new convert asked me to give him his new Christian name. So, I said a very quick prayer and within seconds the wonderful name of Joshua popped into my mind. I explained who Joshua was in the Bible and that God was going to use him to be a Joshua for Uganda and to lead others into their destiny. He was challenged and excited about his new journey.
The First Homes of Hope with YWAM Hopeland
Last, but certainly not least was the wonderful opportunity to put up a Home of Hope for an elderly gentleman named Mikaya. He cares for many of his grand children and great grand children. He was so grateful for the house with windows, doors, and even a concrete floor. He was also happy to receive the new bicycle, 100lbs of rice and beans as well as a new tea kettle and other sundries. What a thrill to be able to make a difference so quickly to someone’s life.
We are honored to be able to go and humbled to be sent by you. Thank you for your partnership with our family as we go to the ends of the earth for the Kingdom of God.
And more pics will be coming soon!