I Have Made Mistakes
Recently, a dear friend of mine, (thanks Beth!) turned me on to The Oh Hellos, a brother and sister duo from south Texas who write and record a sweet blend of folksy and rootsy music. I was smitten from the first listen, and one of my favorite tracks is called, "I Have Made Mistakes". It contains the lines,
And the sun, it does not cause us to grow;
It is the rain that will strengthen your soul
And it will make you whole.
For some reason, maybe it was the catchy melody, maybe it was the unexpected statement about the sun, but it just caught my ear. And the truth about the difficult times, the rain, causing growth just resonated through me. Now, I am not in this moment, in a rainy season, but this truth renews my hope for wholeness as I continue to follow the path laid out for me.
If a folksy, rootsy groove with rich brother-sister harmonies appeals to you, The Oh Hellos have made their debut album (with the track "I Have Made Mistakes") available here:
That link will take you to the iTunes music store. If you like what you hear and choose to purchase the song or the album, Apple will give us a very small percentage of the sale. If you'd like to know more about the band, click here: The Oh Hellos