A Dream, 44 Keys, and Some Ice Cream in the Dominican Republic
Kay Charlotte is in the Dominican Republic this week. She's speaking at the YWAM Discipleship Training School in San Pedro on Hearing the Voice of God. I've had a couple of great Skype conversations with her this week—God is using her to speak into the lives of the students. Last night she shared this with me:
I had a weird dream that I was asking a policeman for keys. When I woke up, I decided to go to the police station and ask for keys. After a few minutes of explaining that I wanted to use them as an object lesson, a policeman reluctantly gave me more than half of the keys I needed for my class. Next door to the police station was an ice cream shop. Since it was 95° out, I decided to go inside. As I was getting my treat, I told the lady my story about the dream and the policeman next door. I asked her if she had any keys I could have. At first, she said that she didn't have any, but then actually produced the rest of what I needed. All tolled, I have 44 keys to give to the staff and students of YWAM San Pedro!
Kay Charlotte finishes up her week of teaching today. Pray that she finishes strong. Pray for safe travels for her—she flies home tomorrow via Panama. Pray too that the kids and I can have the house clean for her when she arrives!