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Not All Cyclists Are Dopes… 

Pro Cyclist, Ben King, Builds Home for the Poor in Tijuana

With a lot of negative attention focussed on cycling this week, this story just warmed my heart. A group of pro athletes went to Mexico to build a home for the poor. Here's Ben King's takeaway: 

Each night, 120 of us from the five separate builds congregated at the YWAM base for dinner. There, Corwin (AIA national director of pro ministry) and his wife, Kim Anthony (UCLA hall of famer), shared their testimonies in motivational segments. These thought-provoking talks, taco dinners, late night soccer games, and, of course, building a house together, united athletes — who are people too — and helped us step out of our specialized worldview for a moment that will remain with us throughout our sporting careers.

Read the rest of Ben's story here on VeloNews.
I'm so blessed to be a part of Youth With A Mission, and I'm so grateful for folks like Ben who come to give. And I love that God seems to give so much to everyone involved. Unlike that other cycling story, this one renews my hope for humanity…