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Sent off to Africa by a Homes of Hope Recipient in Mexico

This week I visited Josefina Ochoa and her family in Tijuana, Mexico. Longtime readers of our web site may recall that the Ochoa's received a Homes of Hope house back in 2010. (Be warned, this eight-minute video of their story is a tear-jerker—have tissues handy!) The family loves their home and the freedom from sickness and worry it brings.

It was great to spend time with Josefina—she is a woman who has little financially, but is tremendously rich in heart. When I told her I was headed to Africa to bring Homes of Hope, she lit up and said, "I want to pray for you—this is very important because it changed our lives." 

So we bowed our heads and she prayed over me. Her prayer was so sweet and powerful.

She spoke to the Lord about how her home had been such a blessing to her, and that she wanted the same thing for others. She prayed for the YWAM workers in Africa to be bold. She prayed that they wouldn't be intimidated by the tremendous amount of work and the finances needed to develop a Homes of Hope ministry. I was amazed at her insight and at how she prayed for faith for me and for the YWAMers in Uganda. 

I am so honored and humbled to be sent to Africa by the prayers of the Ochoa family. Please join with us and the Ochoa family and ask the Lord to transplant Homes of Hope to Africa.