the McClurg's

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Homes of Hope in Uganda

Homes of Hope in Africa

Here's a mini-documentary of the first Homes of Hope in Africa. Our dear friend, Rosaleen Donnan, met up with us in Bulanga and spent five days filming as we finished the construction of Faith's new home. Since then she's spent hundreds of hours reviewing, editing and making this film. We're so pleased to be able to show you this, and we're very grateful for all of Rosie's hard work.

This was truly a labor of love for all of us—finishing Faith's home was an amazing experience. And Rosie donated her time and energy to this film to help spread the word about Homes of Hope. So a huge thank you goes out to her, and I encourage you to check out her site I Dare You Productions.  â€‹

In addition, our friend, Kenny Peavy gave us permission to use his song, Everything, from the EP Resonate in this video. So thank you to Kenny too! Oh, and Resonate is available on iTunes here.