Together, we can make a difference.
3 Rounds | 54 Holes | September 1
I’m raising funds for our ministry with Youth With A Mission. Every dollar you donate will help Kay Charlotte and I continue to make more missionaries. Click below to pledge on YWAM San Diego/Baja’s GivingFuel page. All gifts are tax-deductible.
Thank you for supporting us in missions!
The golf-a-thon was a great success! Even thought I’m still sore from all the swings I took (haha!), I’m so grateful. Enjoy a few shots from the course:
It may have taken 13+ hours, and we might have finished hole number 54 in the dark, but we did it!
Working on my putting… and my putting needs work, ha!
I put in some practice on a recent roadtrip!
I’m getting ready for the big day by putting the work in at the range!
Some silliness at the driving range…