Dear Friend,

I am writing to commend to you Craig and Kay Charlotte McClurg. As the founder of Youth With A Mission San Diego/Baja, I’ve worked closely with the McClurgs for over 30 years. They have over and over proven themselves as worthy workers. (1 Tim 5:18)

As a couple, they have served together in YWAM since the early 1990s, trusting God to meet their needs through support gifts from friends, family, businesses, and churches. They have generously given their time and talents to those in need, mobilizing thousands of youth to go on outreaches around the world, building homes for the poor, and teaching and training the next generation of young people in missions and the ways of God. They are leaders, they are elders, and they are worthy workers.

You might be wondering, if the McClurgs are such great workers, why doesn’t YWAM pay them?

You might be wondering, if the McClurgs are such great workers, why doesn’t YWAM pay them? Since the 1960’s YWAM has adopted a decentralized, grassroots approach to funding its workers, much like Young Life, Campus, and many other mission movements have done. They freely give of their time and talents to YWAM, trusting God for provision. YWAM provides oversite and tax-deductible receipts to those who choose to partner with the McClurgs.

Jesus tells all his followers to go everywhere and tell everyone that forgiveness is available. This Great Commission is God’s global mandate for all believers. Everyone in the whole global church can be involved. The Gospel, of course, is for all people everywhere—for every tribe and every language. It’s for every region, every nation, every people, even to the far corners of the earth. If YWAM or any other mission agency were to have to organize finances for every worker everywhere, this would severely limit their ability to accomplish the task.

You can give financially … this way, their victories become your victories.

Gods design for YWAM and its workers is to focus on relationship-based support. Friends, family, and churches adopt YWAMers as their missionaries and help provide for their financial needs. This creates a partnership between goer and giver. Right now, the McClurgs are a part of the goers and I’m inviting you to partner with them and be a part of their sending team. You can give financially so that their financial needs will be met. In this way, their victories become your victories. Their challenges also become your challenges. And this means, not only will you give, but you’ll also pray for their success. Givers who have made a financial investment and are motivated to follow it up with prayer. Kay Charlotte and Craig will be accountable to you to share how God is using them. They will reciprocate your generosity in praying for you, encouraging you, and including you in God’s Great Commission.

Craig and Kay Charlotte work without the security of a normal paycheck. They have responded to God’s call on their lives to work full-time to help fulfill the Great Commission. They are dedicated to making disciples, teaching in many of YWAM’s training schools around the world. They find themselves on the front lines of missions in obedience to God’s call. This isn’t short-term or part-time call, this is a full-time occupation. It has drawn them far from home. It’s sacrificial and yes often challenging and difficult. The privilege of serving God full-time, far outwieghs the price. My wife and I have been on staff with Youth With A Mission since the late 70’s, and we like the McClurgs have seen Gods faithfulness in provision over many decades.

…my wife and I have financially supported the McClurgs. We believe in them and we recognize their many gifts, talents and contributions…

Perhaps its helpful to note that my wife and I have financially supported the McClurgs. We believe in them and we recognize their many gifts, talents and contributions. We are committed to both pray and give to them, as they serve in missions around the world. One day we will all stand before Jesus as Kay Charlotte and Craig hear Gods affirmation of their life’s work saying… “Well done, good and faithful servants…” knowing we were a part of their support team.

There are several ways you can get financially involved in the Great Commission through the McClurgs.

For Tax Deductions, Give through YWAM

If you use checks, you’ll find an address below. Make your check out to “YWAM” and include a note stating that it’s for the McClurgs support. Or you can give online. Use the link below to navigate to YWAM San Diego/Baja’s site.

Send a Check to: YWAM San Diego, P.O. Box 5417, Chula Vista, CA 91912

Give Online here:

Give a Gift Now and then Give Monthly

I encourage you to give a generous one-time gift now. Then I encourage you consider how you can give a monthly or annual gift. This giving and the pledge commitments will help keep Craig and Kay Charlotte serving full-time with YWAM. Craig and Kay Charlotte will do their part to communicate with you regularly, keeping you informed of what’s happening with their efforts with YWAM.

Thank you for being a part of the McClurgs lives and considering this opportunity to invest and support them.


Sean Lambert

Founder and President

YWAM San Diego/Baja