Does God Still Speak?

We say yes! The Bible begins with God speaking the universe into existence. And it's filled with example after example of Him speaking to his people.  And we believe that God is still speaking today. We've designed this Listen Booklet to be a simple tool to help you listen for His voice. If you'd like a free copy, read on!

Here's How to Get a FREE Listen Booklet!


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It's easy—it will take you less than a minute, and you can rest assured that we'll never sell or share your information for any reason. Just fill out the form above, and right away we'll mail you a 24-page, pocket-sized journal designed to help you listen for the voice of God. You will also receive a monthly email newsletter with updates about our missionary work around the world. In addition, we'll send you an annual report via physical mail in December with information about how you can be involved in our work.

If at any time you decide you no longer want to be included, it's easy to opt out of our mailings. Just click the unsubscribe link in our monthly email, and we'll take you off the list.

*While Supplies Last! So don't delay, fill out the form today!

You Will Treasure this Pocket-Sized Notebook

The inside cover has inspiring scriptures about God speaking.

The inside cover has inspiring scriptures about God speaking.

The inside of the notebook is blank for you to write your impressions.​

The inside of the notebook is blank for you to write your impressions.​

The inside back cover has some tips to help you discern God's voice.

The inside back cover has some tips to help you discern God's voice.

We believe this little booklet will build your faith and become one of your personal treasures. Craig designed this booklet and included inspiring scriptures and some tips for learning to distinguish God's voice. 

Printed by the fine folks at Denrich Press in San Diego.