Craig & Kay Charlotte McClurg

Missionaries with Youth With A Mission San Diego/Baja

“He told them, “The harvest is huge, but the workers are few. So ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Luke‬ ‭10‬:‭2‬ ‭NIRV‬‬

 We Make More Workers

God has called us to create more workers to go to the field. For the last 30 years we have been teaching, training, and mentoring the next generation of students so that they will take the good news of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.

We Teach

We Train

We Mentor

We are part of the ‘mobile faculty’ of YWAM’s University of the Nations. We travel and teach in YWAM training courses all over the world.

  • 2000+ students in the last 10 years

  • 150+ Classroom Hours per year

  • 1500+ ‘Two-on-One’ Hours with students

We pioneered YWAM’s Mission Adventures Network that creates outreach opportunities for youth groups around the world.

  • 120,000+ Teenage Participants

  • 30 Years and Counting

  • At least 1.2 Million Gospel Impressions

We dedicate a portion of each week for one-to-one mentoring with young leaders near and far.

  • 1000+ Hours in the last 5 Years

  • 1:1 Life on Life Mentoring

  • Disciples Making Disciples

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We Are Part of YWAM San Diego/Baja

We are full time workers with YWAM San Diego/Baja. We’ve been on staff since 1996 and we’re grateful to be part of what God is doing here.

We Serve As Elders

We serve on the eldership team that covers our campuses in San Diego, Tijuana, and Ensenada. It’s been our privilege to work, plan, and pray alongside dozens of high quality leaders.

We Take Teams

We host outreaches around the world. We’ve taken teams to Africa, Asia, South America, Mexico, and points elsewhere.

We BUild Homes of Hope

YWAM SDB has built more than 8000+ homes for the poor in 20 nations. It’s been our privilege to be a part of this for the last 30 years. We built the first Homes of Hope houses in Uganda and we host teams who come and build here in Baja.

Will You Send Us as Your Missionaries?

A Partnership of Goers and Senders

We focus on relationship-based support. Friends, family, and churches adopt us as their missionaries and provide for our financial needs. This creates a partnership between us. Right now, we can be your goer. And we are inviting you to be our sender. You can give financially so that our needs will be met. In this way, our victories become your victories. Additionally, our challenges also become your challenges. And this means, not only will you give, but we ask you to also pray for our success. Follow up your gifts with prayer. We will be accountable to you to share how God is using us. And we will reciprocate your generosity by praying for you, encouraging you, and including you in God’s Great Commission.

From the Apostle John

“Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers and sisters. You are faithful even though they are strangers to you. They have told the church about your love. Please help them by sending them on their way in a manner that honors God. They started on their journey to serve Jesus Christ. They didn’t receive any help from those who aren’t believers. So we should welcome people like them. We should work together with them for the truth.”

3 John‬ ‭1‬:‭5‬-‭8‬ ‭NIRV‬‬ (Emphasis added)

How to Give

We need ongoing monthly support to meet our basic needs, provide travel expenses when we go to places that can’t afford to help us. Will you send us as your missionaries?

To Give Online

Visit YWAM San Diego/Baja’s donations Staff Support page by clicking the link below. Find our names in the drop down list, fill out your billing information and the amount of your gift and click the submit button.

To Give by Check

Make your check out to “YWAM”, but do not include our names on the check. Instead, enclose a note with it stating that this gift is for Craig and Kay Charlotte McClurg. Send your check to:

Youth With A Mission San Diego

1101 Bay Boulevard, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91911

More Information

Youth With A Mission

We are ‘YWAMers’ meaning we are missionaries with Youth With A Mission — a global movement of Christians. Founded in 1960, we aim to Know God and Make Him Known. You can learn more by clicking the link below.

YWAM San Diego/Baja

YWAM has hundreds of operating locations around the world. We are on staff with YWAM San Diego/Baja. Founded in 1991, YWAM SDB aims to engage the lost and the least with God’s great love. You can learn more here:


Why Doesn’t YWAM Pay You?

The Scope of the Task would Limit the Mission

Jesus tells all his followers to go everywhere and tell everyone that forgiveness is available. His Gospel is for all people. It’s for every tribe and every language. It’s for every region, every nation, every city, every town, every village, even to the far corners of the earth. This Great Commission is God’s global mandate for all believers. And there is room for everyone in the global body of Christ to be involved. If YWAM or any other mission agency were to have to organize finances for every worker everywhere, this would severely limit their ability to accomplish the task. Therefore each YWAMer focusses on raising their own support, which turns out to also mobilize prayers for the task to be completed.