Relationships and Boundaries Classes at Eastlake

I taught a class on Relationships and a class on Boundaries at the Eastlake Church Young Adults group meetings this month.

Below you can find the audio recordings and even the notes I used for these two hour classes with the Young Adults from Eastlake Church.


Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Friendship, Families, Romance, Love, Sex, and Dating.

  • How can we best relate to our families ?

  • Why are we so broken in romance, sex, and dating?

  • Healing from past hurts

This is a 2:11 hour mp4a file, and you should know this is a rough, unedited recording made with the Apple Voice Notes app on my iPad. There are pauses when people are discussing at their tables… just so you know!

This is a PDF file of the notes I used during the talk.


When to Say Yes and How to Say No How to set and maintain healthy boundaries so you can love from a place of Freedom

  • Why does my life feel like a wreck, and how can boundaries help me?

  • Boundary myths and descriptions

  • Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries

This is a 2:00 hour mp4a file, and you should know this is a rough, unedited recording made with the Apple Voice Notes app on my iPad. There are pauses when people are discussing at their tables… just so you know!

This is a PDF file of the notes I used during the talk.

I had a great time teaching and leading these discussions. I hope you find these recordings and notes useful. And I’d love to hear your feedback — click the button below to send me a message!

P.R.A.Y. A Prayer Recipe

“Praying Hands” via Pexels


01 Be Still

Take a moment and pause. As you breathe out, let the thoughts of the day leave you. As you breathe in, bring your focus onto God. Recognize His presence with you now.

02 Praise

Here’s a way you can praise God, pick three letters of the alphabet and then think of as many of God’s qualities as you can with each letter. For example, A: Awesome, able, adorable, amazing… B: Beautiful, bountiful, bold… etc. If you’ve got the time, use pencil and paper, go through the alphabet.

03 Repent

Be mindful of where you’ve fallen short today. If you’re comfortable, speak it out. Say, “Lord, I’ve been impatient,” or “Forgive me for my judgmental attitude”. We all have fallen short, and we all are invited to confess so that we may be healed.

04 Ask

This is when you can make your requests known to God. I mean he already knows, of course, but he invites us to name it. He invites us to ask. He cares for us in every dimension. Do you need money to pay for gas? Ask him. Do you need help in order to lovingly relate to a coworker? Ask him. Do you need direction for what’s next in your life? Ask. Say short, simple prayers out loud like, “Lord I need…” and “Lord, I want…”

05 Yield

This means submit; this means me aligning with God. Even Jesus said, “Not my will be done, but yours…” (Matthew 26:42). Yield means listening to God. The best kind of communication is back and forth. So far we’ve been the one doing the talking. Let’s take a few minutes and quiet our minds in the presence of God. This is that space where we become more like Him. Let’s listen for what He might say to us. Grab a pencil and write down your impressions of what God is saying.

  1. God’s voice is described as a “still, small voice”, (1 Kings 19:11-12). Jesus says his sheep learn his voice, (John 10:27).

  2. You might think that God speaking is a rare thing. Did you know that the most common phrase in the Bible is God spoke or God said? More than 3,000 times in the scriptures it describes God speaking.

  3. It doesn’t have to be mystical; God can simply cause thoughts in your head. People use their lips, tongue, teeth and some air to cause thoughts in your head. God can skip the lips.

  4. When God speaks there is often a sense of overwhelming peace.

  5. When God speaks there is often a sense of authority.

  6. God often speaks through the Bible. Sometimes God speaks in words, other times in pictures, or even a mini-mental-movie.

  7. If you want to hear God more, read the Bible every day and yield to him.

Close your prayer time by thanking God for making it possible to be with Him.

Happy Praypril!

We’ve Renamed April to Praypril and We Are Focusing on Personal Prayer this Month

Photo: Tara Winstead via Pexels

We’ve been renaming the months in 2022 to help us focus on spiritual habits. So January became “Thank-You-Ary” and we focused on gratitude. February was “Remembruary” and we focused on remembering the things God has done. March turned into “March-itude” with a focus on solitude. Which brings us to Praypril and our focus on prayer.

Prayer is Communication

The essence of prayer is communication with God; and communication can be defined as the art of getting through. I think many of us wonder if God is there and if he really listens. Are we getting through? Over and again in the scriptures, God assures us that he listens:

“Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:12-13

Prayer is Adoration

Prayer is meant to be loving. It can be an intimate thing between us and our Creator. Jesus encouraged us to pray to, “Our Father”, not some impersonal god. (See Matthew 6:9)

Prayer is Confession

When I pause to talk with God, I become more aware of my sin and selfishness. So prayer times for me include confession — I agree with God about my shortcomings and failures. I turn from this 180º towards Him. (See Hebrews 10:22)

Prayer is Thanksgiving

Every time I talk with God, I can’t help but recognize that He is good and He is taking care of us. It’s almost automatic to respond with gratitude, (Psalm 9:1).

Prayer is Supplication

This is a fancy Bible word that just means asking. In some ways prayer can be like making a grocery list. It’s asking God for what we need and what we want. God invites us to turn our worries into prayers, (Philippians 4:6-7), and to cast our cares on Him, (1 Peter 5:7).

Prayer Changes Things; Prayer Changes Me

I believe that our prayers are heard by God and He acts on our behalf. But more than that, I am seeing that prayer is the place where God changes me. It’s the place where the Holy Spirit is active within me. He invites me to align my needs, my wants, and my will with who He is.

To say that “prayer changes things” is not as close to the truth as saying, “Prayer changes me and then I change things.” God has established things so that prayer, on the basis of redemption, changes the way a person looks at things. Prayer is not a matter of changing things externally, but one of working miracles in a person’s inner nature.
— Oswald Chambers

So there you go, Happy Praypril to you! Enjoy your communication with God!

Good March-itude to You!

This Month I’ve Been Exploring Solitude

“Solitude” by Rakicevic Nenad via Pexels

God is challenging me about my practices of faith. He seems to be emphasizing the daily rhythms of a life of discipleship. In January we practiced gratitude; see our Thank-You-Ary post here. We renamed February to “Remembruary” and focused on the many wonderful things God has done in our past. See our Remembruary post here. (And don’t miss Craig’s gallery of 25 years of Mission Adventures theme tee shirts here.)

This month I have been exploring solitude. There have been early morning quiet times, long solo walks, and even a day-long solitude retreat. Here’s what I’ve been learning.

A Few Thoughts on Solitude

Right now I’m on a day-long solitude retreat. Dear friends have offered me the use of their apartment near Encinitas. I’m reading, praying, listening, and writing. (I will limit my singing to in the car with the volume turned up).  

Sitting on the porch, listening to the waves and the breeze, I am rereading a bit of Dallas Willard’s Spirit of the Disciplines. Here is what I am finding:

Solitude Is a Foundation 

Purposefully removing myself from everything social for a day imitates Jesus. Pretty much every spiritual person creates this kind of space. The other disciplines of silence, fasting, prayer, etc. are built on this fundamental practice.  

Solitude Is Freeing

Today I don’t have to respond to texts, emails, or calls. Today I don’t have to fit into any social molds or meet any expectations. 

Solitude Is Scary

When I’m by myself, I become more aware of what Louis Bouyer describes as that unknown, dark, haunted abyss within… *shudder* My everyday interactions help me keep the focus off of that place, but here by myself I see it more clearly. 

Solitude Is a Place of Strength

Today I am able to place my focus on the presence of God in a way that’s more intense and for a longer period of time than in my normal routine. I feel like this is establishing, strengthening, and deepening my trust in him. 

As my retreat ends, I see that I want and need more of this purposeful time. I’m hoping to make this a regular practice, and I’m hoping to extend it to two or even three days away.

Remembering 25 Mission Adventures Themes

I’ve been posting pics of the Mission Adventures theme tee shirts on Instagram and Facebook all month.

Here they are in all their glory! Which one is your favorite?!

Happy Remembruary!

This year marks 25 years of the Mission Adventures Network in Youth With A Mission. Kay Charlotte and I helped co-found this network along with Sean Lambert, Joe Matta, and Dave Meissner. It was (and still is) a privilege to be at the ground floor and see this come together. God used (and is still using) us to multiply the ministry we began in Los Angeles in the early 90’s.

I’ve also done some writing about how God encourages us to remember and how he can use it to shape how we think. Click the button below for more!

The Upside Down Kingdom

Power Is for Serving

A Talk I Gave to the Middle and High School Students at Eastlake Church

So two weeks ago, Kaelia introduced this topic for us and talked about how God’s Kingdom is crazy, backwards, odd, and upside down compared to what we think is normal. Last week, Teroa talked about how honor is greater than power. She told the story of how, when given the chance to take his life, young David showed honor to Saul — even though Saul was hunting him down to kill him.

So Who Is the Youngest in the Room?

Share your birth date with the person next to you. If you’re younger than your neighbor, stand up. Among those standing, pair up and compare birth dates. Youngest one stay standing until we have a winner… Okay, everyone, let’s celebrate the youngest one among us — wahoo! Haha… Wait, is this normal? Stay tuned.

Who Is the Greatest Of All Time?

Is this first guy the G.O.A.T? Six Super Bowl rings — is that what defines greatness? Okay, how about this woman? She can do things that no other woman can do, with power and grace. Is she the G.O.A.T.? Okay, how about this last one…?!

Jesus’ Disciples Wanted to Know the Answer to this Question Too

They often discussed who would get to “sit at Jesus right hand” when he came into his kingdom. They were all jockeying for the seat of honor, and for the attention of Jesus. They were concerned with their status. Even at the Last Supper, the night before Jesus was killed, they were still talking about it:

…They disagreed about which of them was thought to be the most important person. Jesus said to them, ‘The kings of the Gentiles hold power over their people. And those who order them around call themselves Protectors. But you must not be like that. Instead, the most important among you should be like the youngest. The one who rules should be like the one who serves.’ Luke 22:24-26 (NIRV) Emphasis mine

Let’s set the scene a bit:

  • Earlier that evening, Jesus, their teacher and rabbi served them and washed their feet.

  • Jesus had just finished showing them communion, you know with the bread and the wine?

  • Jesus is distressed here, he knows that Judas is about to betray him. He knows he’ll be arrested and beaten.

  • Isn’t it crazy that the disciples are arguing with each other?

  • He overhears them and says the crazy-amazing upside down thing. The greatest is the servant.

Now it’s easy to criticize the disciples for not seeing the bigger picture. But often I think I’m not much different than them. I get caught up in my own self. I seek status. I want to be seen as the cool old…er guy. I want to have authority and power. And if I’m really honest, I love to be served. 

And here is Jesus turning all that upside down. 

The Way Forward Is to be Like the Youngest

So in this upside down Kingdom, we learn that the path to greatness is to serve other people, to love them even. We learn that we are to be like the youngest. Paul wrote a letter to his friend Timothy and said this: 

“Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIRV)

Sometimes when we get instructions like this it can be intimidating. Like, how in the world am I going to do all this? I’m just me… How can I be an example? In fact, I’m afraid to step out and serve… Welp, Paul also wrote this to Timothy: 

“God gave us his Spirit. And the Spirit doesn’t make us weak and fearful. Instead, the Spirit gives us power and love. He helps us control ourselves.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (NIRV)

The Spirit of God is in you and can help you to serve. 

Let’s Make This Real

<Pass out note cards and pencils>

Let’s take a next step here. Pencils and note cards are being passed out right now. Who will you serve? I want you to picture someone in your mind. Say a quick silent prayer to God and ask him, “Who can I serve? What can I do for them?” Take a minute to think into this. Write down a name. Write down something you can do to serve them. This does not have to be a huge thing at all. It can be simple. It can be pure. It can be you being an example in the way you live. You have God’s spirit in you. You can be great in serving. 

Before you leave tonight, show your card to someone you trust. Ask them to help you. Ask them to ask you later this week if you’ve done the service. 

One More Upside Down Thought

Jesus said another crazy upside down thing. “Whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me.” (See Matthew 25:40). Serving others is serving Jesus. Now get out there and serve!