How Saul of Tarsus Became the Apostle Paul

Kay Charlotte and I are reading Paul by N.T. Wright.

This is an engaging portrait of the man who wrote a good portion of the New Testament. Wright helps us imagine what Paul’s early life could have been like. He straightens out that tangle of where he went and when. He asks, “How did this guy become who he did?”, and, “Why did his work spark the incredible movement of the Church?” Of course, Kay Charlotte and I are both challenged — Wright’s scholarship is excellent and I really have to focus to keep up with his thinking. Not only that, we are challenged with his lifestyle, his theology, and how to follow Jesus as he did.


We’ve registered for YWAM’s Paul Seminar this summer. We’re getting a jump start on the reading for a 2 week class at the YWAM campus in Lausanne, Switzerland. The seminar focuses on Paul’s journey to Christlikeness, and the course description says,

Through personal study, communal worship, intentional discussion, and hands-on application, you will gain new insights into Paul’s letters and the Book of Acts—discovering how his life “in Christ” was never meant to be a solo venture but walked out together in community.

We are both so excited for this:

  • The seminar is led by Maureen Menard.* We are going to be working with Maureen on a school of spiritual formation in Tijuana in 2026. And so this seminar is an opportunity for us to get to know one another and lay a foundation for working together.

  • I (Craig) am hoping to join the next cohort of the University of the Nations’ Spiritual Formation masters degree program — led by Maureen. So this will be a good first step in that direction.

  • We get to travel to Europe… together — most of the time it’s one of us who goes while the other ‘keeps the home fires’ burning. We hope to add a few extra days to enjoy Europe.

I love that God is leading us in this way. It’s as if He is saying to us,

“You are not finished yet — I have good works left for you to do. I am continuing to expand your lives so that you are capable of what I Am calling you towards…”

We look forward to what these next steps will lead us to…

Thankfully, we’ve already received a scholarship that helps cover our tuition.

We anticipate that airfares, ground fees and other expenses will total around $3500 US. If you’d like to be a part of sending us, click the button below. We will keep you posted on this upcoming adventure.

This link will take you to YWAM San Diego/Baja’s staff support page. There you can give online securely and get a tax deductible receipt. Please, once you’ve given, send us a note to let us know that your gift is for the Paul Seminar.

*Maureen joined YWAM in the 80’s, is a Vice President in YWAM’s University of the Nations, and has founded the Centre for Christian Formation and Discipleship.

Homes of Hope Goes to School

Recently, Kay Charlotte and I heard about Jairo and his school project. This story was originally sent to YWAM’s Moment of Hope subscribers. Click this link to subscribe for more stories of transformation.

Jairo was so excited he could hardly contain his emotions as his class was dismissed.

Jairo's teacher assigned a project to his class. Each child was instructed to create a scale replica of their home out of any craft materials they wished. They were to bring the models to school and share about them. Just a few months earlier, Jairo helped build his real home when a team from New Life Church came to build his family a Homes of Hope house..

Later that evening, he worked diligently to create a scale model from cereal boxes and cardboard as his older brother, Sergio Junior, watched. Maybe he remembered that special moment he raised the walls with the Homes of Hope team. After being evicted from their rental in Tijuana, and sharing a single room in his grandfather's house for four years, Jairo's family began a new chapter in their life by becoming homeowners through the gift of a Home of Hope.

While Jairo might be the first child to bring his Home of Hope to school with him, the impact of a home resonates far beyond its four walls.

We’ve identified Five Benefits of a Home. A stable home environment significantly improves a child’s ability to focus on their education. Obstacles that are linked to low school attendance rates are mitigated through secure housing. Jairo’s parents, Sergio and Brenda, dream that their children will keep studying and find a career. “I will support them in any way possible”, Brenda shares.

Homes of Hope is the gateway into our communities to see true and lasting transformation. Every day, thousands of families walk out the doors of their homes, carrying transformation with them into their neighborhood, their workplaces, and beyond.

Learn more about Homes of Hope by clicking the link below

I Picked You Out of the Crowd Because I Think You'll Do It

Scott from Oak Harbor, WA went on a Mission Adventures Outreach in 1999. His youth group received training in Los Angeles for four days, and then shared God’s love and gospel Tijuana for six. It was a life changing experience for him.

Ross Tooley was our featured speaker that week.* He sought Scott out one day and said:

I have a challenge for you.

And I picked you out of the crowd because

I think you’ll do it.

The challenge was to read three pages of the Old Testament and one page of the New Testament every day for a year. Ross told him it would fill his life with scripture and he would never be the same.

So Scott did it! It was his junior year in high school, and he didn’t miss a day of reading for the whole year. He said it drastically changed the entire course of his life. He chose to go to Bible college, studied theology, became a youth pastor, and then started working in business.

Two weeks ago, Scott returned to YWAM Tijuana. This time he brought his son and together they built a Homes of Hope house for a family in need.

* * *

I love this. I love that Scott accepted Ross’ challenge. I believe it was the Bible that transformed Scott’s life. I believe Holy Spirit met Scott each day and helped him understand the Scriptures. I believe Scott then made his choices with God. I love that Ross picked him out — and that Scott is part of Ross’ great legacy of faith. I love that this started on a Mission Adventures outreach. What a privilege for Kay Charlotte and I to have played a role in Scott’s story.

* * *

The theme in 1999 was Route 99: To the Ends of the Earth. It was centered on the idea of a great American road trip from here to everywhere. Here’s the tee shirt artwork from that year:

* * *

*Ross Tooley was a YWAM legend. He grew up in New Zealand and at age 18 joined Youth With A Mission. He pioneered YWAM’s ministries in the Philippines. He ‘promoted to glory’ in 2019. You can learn more about him through his books, including Adventures in Naked Faith (1996 YWAM Publishing)


The Third Week of Advent Is Focused on Joy

When the angels appeared to the shepherds near Bethlehem, in the glory of God they announced:

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news. It will bring great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you. He is the Messiah, the Lord.”
— Luke 2:10-11 (NIRV)

There is so much joy to experience as we remember the coming of our King!

I also think about the wonderful privilege it is to repeat the angel’s announcement of this great news. This is our joy as missionaries with YWAM and as believers to go everywhere and tell everyone that God is with us in the person of Jesus.

Joy & Happiness

While joy rhymes with happiness, I think happiness is much more fickle and fleeting. It is my shallower response to my circumstances. If someone compliments me on my outfit, I’m happy. But if someone honks at me while I’m driving, happiness is gone instantly.

Joy is something deeper. Joy doesn’t depend on what’s going on in my life, it’s the deep result of God’s presence. God’s Spirit produces joy in us and makes joy for the world through us. It’s God’s fruit growing through our lives because we are connected to Him.

Joy & Togetherness

God so often produces joy in me when I’m with the ones I love. A good cup of coffee and a meaningful conversation with a friend can bring such joy. Jim Wilder writes in his book, The Other Half of Church, “Joy is relational. It is what we feel when we are with someone who is happy to be with us. Joy does not exist outside of a relationship.” This shows me that togetherness and joy are hand-in-hand.

Joy & Loss

And at the same time, I think of joy as a fragile thing. I think sometimes I’m afraid to fully give myself over to it. I don’t want to look like a fool — but more than that, I hesitate to let myself experience joy because I don’t want to lose it. I don’t want circumstances, difficulties, sicknesses or anything to steal it. Have you felt this? Have you, like me, withheld your expressions of joy because it hurts too much when it’s gone? Christmas can be hard when we are reminded of loss, of who’s not here, of what’s missing. And so it can be challenging to allow ourselves to experience joy if we are fearful of loss and pain.

Joy & Difficulty

I’m reminded of the last supper. Jesus was telling the disciples that He was about to go away. It was a difficult moment. They were upset, and Jesus comforted them by saying, “Now it’s your time to be sad. But I will see you again. Then you will be full of joy — and no one can take it away!” (John 16:22, paraphrased)

Joy & Reunion

And Jesus took this further. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the author of Hebrews wrote, “…He paid no attention to the shame of the cross. He suffered there because of the joy he was looking forward to...” Hebrews 12:2 (NIRV) Here’s the relational thing again — Jesus endured torture because he knew that it would ensure our union with him. The suffering paled in comparison to the coming joy of all of us being able to be with him forever. There’s something about joy and reunion, isn’t there?

Come Lord, Jesus!

As we anticipate remembering Christ coming into the world, we can allow ourselves to experience joy. And this is a foreshadowing, a little bit of a taste of the unspeakable joy we’ll experience when He comes again in Glory. We will see Him face-to-face, and I know I will be undone.

Thank You for Sending Us!

90 Seconds of Gratitude from a YWAM Homes of Hope Building Site

Last weekend, Kay Charlotte and I along with our daughter Taylor and her boyfriend Marcus built a home for a family in Tijuana, Mexico. This was such a fun time for us. We went with a team from Eastlake Church here in Chula Vista. It was great to work side-by-side with these great folks from our church.

Even better, it was so fun to build with Taylor. She quipped that during her time off from construction, she came to Mexico to do some more construction! She’s loving her work as a Field Engineer in construction Management, and she’s having a lot of success.

This was Marcus’ first build and he had such a great time. I saw him jump in and help with anything and everything. He went from painting, to sheetrock, to trim work and everything else. We are really enjoying his good nature and sense of humor.

We built for Erika and her two daughters, Mabel and Nahomey. They all were so sweet and worked so hard alongside us. My Spanish is not great, but we communicated through translators and we had lots of laughs. Erika works in a warehouse sorting produce for export. Even on her meager wages she is purchasing the land we built her home on. Giving them this house helps keep them safe, will help them stay healthy, and most of all lets them know that God sees them, loves them, and is with them. There were many tears of joy when we handed over the keys.

Thank you for sending us as your missionaries. Without your support, we would not be able to help families like this. By giving to us, you bless many around the world and God is receiving thanks and glory!

Here are a few more pics:

Erika, Mabel, Dahomey, and the team from Eastlake Church

Getting Started

Hard to believe that in 48 hours there will be a home here!

I worked on the framing crew and I’m still sore days later!

This is my friend Ivan. He’s a leader in the young adult group at Eastlake. This was his third build — be warned, Homes of Hope is habit forming!

Walls going up!

We got this far on Saturday! We had such a great foreman and crew of YWAMers leading and guiding us.

Marcus, Taylor, Mabel, Nahomey, Erika, Craig, and Kay Charlotte

If you’re not already a part of our sending team, would you prayerfully consider supporting us financially? Combined, Kay Charlotte and I have served 66 years with Youth With A Mission. We don’t receive a salary. Instead, we rely on friends like you to send us as their missionaries. Your gift can change the world!

Kyiv Report

I recently returned from Ukraine where I taught in YWAM Kyiv’s First Discipleship Training School Since the War Started

Courtesy Ocean Ng via Unsplash

70 Hours Door to Door

I’ve never traveled longer to get anywhere. It was a combination of factors — I traded time for a less convenient air itinerary, and since the Kyiv airport is closed, I could only fly as far as Poland.

Courtesy Vitaliy via Unsplash

55 Years Old

I celebrated my 55th birthday by taking trains from Warsaw to Kyiv — a 15 hour journey. Thank goodness my train seat was a bed!

The Kyiv DTS and Me

10 Students from 5 Nations

The class was made up of four women and six men. One from Canada, one from Germany, one from the Netherlands, one from the USA, and six from Ukraine.

Some classroom shenanigans… 

15 Hours of Teaching

I had a three hour session each day to teach on Outreach Preparation and Evangelism. I spoke on Why Go?, Maximizing this Opportunity to Grow, Working Together, Communicating Clearly, and Telling Bible Stories to Share Your Faith. The students were super responsive and we had a whole lot of fun in class

Four Hours of Tourism

Nadia and Dima took me into downtown Kyiv and gave me a tour of the historic churches and places in the city. Of course we enjoyed some amazing coffee and even visited a chocolate shop where I picked up some gifts for the family. :)

Courtesy Nathan Dunlao via Unsplash

12ish Hours of Two-on-Ones

I met with most of the students along with their “one-on-one” staff member for at least an hour. I also met with several staff members as well.  These sessions allow us to go deeper than we do in class and are unstructured so we can talk about whatever the student needs. In many of these conversations we talked about boundaries, the importance of keeping sabbath, having healthy expectations, and having ‘thick skin’ while maintaining a tender heart towards our community.

Courtesy Yulia Kens

Today, They Are on Outreach

The students and staff are preparing for the first wave of Homes of Hope to be built. They’re delivering building supplies to the sites and making everything ready. From here they’ll have two months of practical, hands-on application of what they learned in the classroom phase of the Discipleship Training School.

Courtesy Tina Hartung via Unsplash

Thank You Again

Thank you for sending me to Ukraine. It was my privilege to go, but this was our trip because you sent me. Please continue to pray for these students, and for YWAM Kyiv, and for an end to the war.

My Friend Joe Matta

We recently attended a memorial service for our dear friend Joe Matta. It was wonderful to be there with his family and friends. We shared stories, we laughed, and we cried. Here are a few recollections of our friendship.

Our Friendship Started with a Fight

I had just joined the staff of Youth With A Mission Los Angeles. There were about sixty of us living on the YWAM campus in Lakeview Terrace. Joe and Kay had joined a year earlier, and to be honest, they weren’t really on my radar. (A certain Kay Charlotte was perhaps getting more of my time and attention, haha!)

One afternoon, as I came out of my dorm, (Trailer 1), Joe was passing by… He said something along the lines of, “I’ve got a bone to pick with you.” I’m not sure if he actually did it, but my memory includes him shaking a finger at me. I do know that he pointed to my window and said, “I don’t appreciate you using YWAM property for your own benefit.” He was referring to the box fan propped up in my window. Being the “money guy”, Joe knew that YWAM had just purchased a half dozen fans like this, and he assumed the one in my window was one of them.

Now I’m not a fighter. (More of a lover, ha!). And as a good Minnesotan, I’m trained to be nice. And therefore I tend to avoid confrontation. So Joe, who seemed like a gruff guy to me, shaking his finger and accusing me was a little overwhelming. I’m pretty sure I sputtered a bit before I found my voice.

What Joe didn’t know, was that I was the guy who had gone and purchased the fans for the base. And while there in Home Depot, I decided to buy an extra one, with my own money, to put in my window. I don’t remember if I actually produced the receipt, but I like to think that I did. To his credit, when I told Joe that the fan was mine, he apologized and we got to talking about living in community, stewardship, and making sure that we didn’t take advantage of the mission.

Okay, so maybe that wasn’t much of a fight for a guy from Pennsylvania. But for me, the conflict felt real. I think we both learned that there was a surprising common ground between us. I learned that Joe loved integrity and honesty, and that he’d look out for the interests of the mission. And I learned that he wouldn’t hesitate to confront, nor would he hesitate to apologize.



For whatever reason, the Matta’s took us under their wings. As our friendship grew, they became like extra parents for us. We were coworkers of course. And we were neighbors. But we became more than friends; it was like family. All of us were far away from our families, yet somehow, God enabled us to create a kind of family love together. I suppose this is what the Apostle John is talking about when he said, “Dear friends, let us love one another, because love comes from God… if we love one another, God lives in us. His love is made complete in us.”

Joe and Kay regularly invited Kay Charlotte and I over for dinners. They had built a wonderful screened in porch on the back of Trailer 15. It added a couple hundred square feet and was a great place to eat and talk. I’m sure it was there that we heard Joe’s famous 3-step advice for fighting fair with your spouse:

  1. Get two chairs and set them facing towards each other close enough together so your knees will touch when seated

  2. Remove all clothing

  3. If you still want to fight, schedule an appointment with a marriage counselor!

We four would often go for pizza at Chichi’s in Santa Clarita. We always ordered a large salami and sausage, an antipasto salad, and a pitcher of beer. It was like a double date, even though our friends were a few decades our senior. Our dinners were filled with animated conversation. Maybe it’s his East Coast upbringing, or maybe it was just Joe, but he had an opinion on everything and wasn’t shy about sharing it. There was a sort of Joe-Way for doing life. And doggone it, Joe’s way turned out to be the right way most of the time.

They’d take daily walks. They’d hold hands. They were there for one another. Watching them we learned about how to be fiercely loyal to one another.


We Followed them to San Diego

When Joe and Kay moved south to YWAM San Diego in the Fall of 1995, we were sad to see them go. We knew we’d see them regularly, but it was still hard. And when opportunity came for Kay Charlotte and I to move to YWAM San Diego in 1996, a big plus for us was that the Mattas were already there. They found an apartment for us and had it ready for our arrival. We’d carpool to the YWAM office, and inevitably Rush Limbaugh was on Joe’s radio. I don’t know if he ever called in, but his views were definitely conservative.


Crossing the Border

Crossing the border with Joe was always fun. In the early days, before the SENTRI program (a kind of pre-approved fast pass), a short border crossing would be 20-30 minutes. A long one could be four hours. In that time, Joe would be analyzing the patterns and trying to figure out the system. He was competitive. And so he would ‘mark’ a car near him and then he’d try to beat them to the border gate. This slow-motion ‘race’ involved changing lanes, and positioning his car for those places where one lane split into two. He was observant and often found a way to come in first.

I recall him conducting a ‘survey’ of the border guards. On one of our waits at the border we talked about how bad it must be for the guards at the gates to be breathing in all the exhaust fumes all day long. Joe had a theory that as a result, border guards would have more daughters than sons… And time and time again, after the guard would check our IDs and ask us questions, Joe would ask, “Hey, how many kids do you have?” Followed by, “Boys or girls?” I don’t think he ever built a spreadsheet on the answers, but he did have his theory!


An Excel Mentor

Listen, I got a degree in English. At university, the two math courses I took were called, “The Language of Maps”, and “Astronomy for the Non-Mathematically Minded”. I knew what Microsoft Word was for, (for those that know, v. 5.1 was the pinnacle). But for the life of me I had no idea what Excel was for… Enter Joe Matta. My job required me to purchase lots of parts, assemble them into kits, and ship them out to our partners around the country, (and some overseas too). I did my best to keep track of things, but boy oh boy was this a challenge for a guy who spent his college years reading everything Shakespeare ever wrote. Joe showed me what a spreadsheet was for and how it could make my job easier. And when he hit the ∑ button and the machine did the math for me, my jaw dropped! From there it was lessons on creating simple budgets, and even tips on how to work with our vendors. Without this foundational knowledge I would have been over budget and burned out — Thank you Joe for imparting your wisdom.


Next Door Neighbors

In 2000 we bought the house next door to Joe and Kay. We’d been looking for months and the market was crazy. Prices were rising and soon they’d be out of our short reach. When Joe saw his neighbor putting up a sign in his yard he said, “I’ve got a buyer for you. Young couple with a baby — your place will be perfect for them. Put that sign back in your garage and gimme 24 hours.” Who does that? Joe Matta does! And sure enough, after a few twists, turns, and dramatic ups and downs, we did buy the house. Joe was right there every step, explaining the process, showing us what to worry about and what not to worry about. He sat with us as we paged through the miles of paperwork with the dense text that seemed like it was in Greek. And he told us to take a good hard look at that amortization schedule that showed just how much interest we’d pay over the life of the loan. Gulp!

Having Joe and Kay for neighbors was pretty fantastic. We barbecued together. They loaned us tools. They helped with projects. They loved on our kids. And while it was impossible to keep up with Joe in making the lawn look nice, he never complained about mine… too loudly.

One evening, when our son Levi was still a little guy, we had a little mishap. We were playing worship music and jumping around the living room. Levi took a surprisingly big leap off the couch and landed on all fours and came up screaming. He had broken his arm midway between elbow and wrist. It looked bad. Within a minute or two Joe was there. While we calmed Levi down, Joe whipped up a splint with a handkerchief and one of Levi’s toy drumsticks. I suppose we would have done fine in that situation, but it sure was nice to have Joe Matta next door.


The Day the FBI Came for a Visit

It must have been sometime around 2002 — definitely after 9/11. After the Al Qaeda attacks, the US Government began to scrutinize more closely any money leaving the country. As you know, YWAM builds quite a number of homes in Mexico each year. And this means we send quite a number of US dollars over the border to purchase lumber and other supplies. Apparently our activity was enough for us to get a visit from the FBI.

Now before you think ‘SWAT Team’ or ‘Police Raid’, this was a very peaceful encounter, haha! Two agents from the local FBI office walked into our small reception area in National City they identified themselves and asked to talk to our CFO or equivalent. This of course, was Joe Matta.

The agents were fantastic and not antagonistic at all. They said something along the lines of, “We are pretty confident that we’ve got a good idea of what Youth With A Mission does here, but would you help us understand your business?” You should have seen Joe’s eyes light up. He said, “Thank you for coming agents, how much time do you have?” They got the full guided tour of our offices. Joe introduced each of us to the agents. And he showed them our warehouse full of building supplies and donations for our Homes of Hope ministry. For the next two hours, Joe told story after story of what we were doing. The agents were satisfied that we were on the up and up. When they asked Joe, “Do you have any questions for us?” Joe laughed and said, “How many agents are in your office, and when can we get you all down to Mexico so we can build a house together?”


They Day We Were Robbed and the Cops Thought Joe’s Desk Had Been Ransacked

Shortly after we moved into our offices on West 35th, (and the night before the security system was scheduled to be installed), someone broke into our offices and stole a bunch of our equipment. It was heartbreaking to walk through the broken door, enter my office and see that my brand new computer, monitor, mouse, keyboard and other things were gone. Papers were scattered on the carpet, desk drawers were left open, and my chair was tipped over. All four of the ground floor offices looked the same. Thankfully, it didn’t look like they went upstairs. The accounting office was untouched — the safe was safe. Sean’s office, Kay’s office, and Joe’s office all looked the same.

When the police officer arrived, he had us walk through each space. We made a list of the things we knew for sure was stolen. When we took the officer to the upstairs offices, he poked his head in each one and asked the same question, “Anything missing here?” When he got to Joe’s office he said, “Whoa — it looks like they ransacked this one! Any idea what they may have been looking for in here?” We all busted a gut laughing and told him, “Oh no, this is how this office always looks! And we’re pretty sure that no thief would be able to find anything in here anyway!”


The Time We Cleaned Joe’s Desk While He Was on Vacation

I don’t remember where they went, but when Joe and Kay were out of the office for a few days, we decided to bless them. Kay Charlotte, myself, and a couple of others went through Joe and Kay’s offices and vacuumed the carpets, dusted the blinds, washed the windows and tidied up their desks. Joe’s desk, of course, took some extra effort. He typically kept stacks of folders, piles of receipts, and who knows what else on his desk. And on his credenza. And there were a few file boxes and other things stacked in the corner. I think we must have spent more than half the day organizing, straightening and rearranging. We had started out to do a quick clean and polish became a full on deep clean and organize. When we stood back and looked at what we’d done, we felt proud that we had created a semblance of order out of what was chaos. We couldn’t wait for the Mattas to return to enjoy this little blessing.

I don’t really recall what Kay thought of what we did for her space. I assume that she was grateful for us thinking of her and cleaning up a bit. Joe however was stunned. I have rarely seen Joe speechless. At first, I thought he may be overwhelmed with gratitude, knowing how much time it must have taken us to tidy his space. I’m pretty sure in that moment of awkward silence as he stood in the doorway, that Kay Charlotte started showing him how she had organized things for him so he’d know where to look for what. I don’t remember what he said, and it certainly wasn’t unkind. But I think now, that his silence was the way Joe was keeping control of his tongue. I’m pretty sure he wanted to say, “How dare you!” Haha!

It turns out that we were unaware that Joe’s messy desk was not simply piles of stuff. It was a carefully curated, spatially organized, archeological filing system. Joe knew where stuff was on his desk, and he knew approximately how deep to dig for it too. And all this tidying had undone months of careful placement, haha! I’m pretty sure he ‘thanked’ us for trying to bless him, but we definitely got the message that he didn’t feel exactly blessed, haha!


Passing It On

Years later, long after Joe and Kay had moved up to Newberry Park to be near Joey, Sue, and grandson Ryan, we four got together for pizza. You guessed it, we ordered a large salami and sausage, antipasto salad, and a pitcher of beer. (Also, did you know, if you get too much foam at the top of your beer, just lick your finger, stick it through the foam and slowly stir — it will subside more quickly than if you left it alone. This is another tried and true Joe Matta move.) Over dinner I got to say to Joe, “You’ve made a disciple Joe.” I told him that we’d been ‘adopting’ people too. We had taken in college students, invited them to not just live with us, but to also “come to the table” and be like family with us. This was the example that Joe and Kay showed us, and we’ve be blessed by doing the same.