A Gallon of Bug Spray & a Tub of Sunscreen in the D.R.

​Me with a couple of the ladies of GCA on a Homes of Hope Site in the Dominican Republic—and a friendly photo-bomber too!

​Me with a couple of the ladies of GCA on a Homes of Hope Site in the Dominican Republic—and a friendly photo-bomber too!

A gallon of bug spray, a tub of sunscreen and more heat than anyone should have to endure, but four houses were built in three days by an amazing group of students from Canada. Wow—it was a thrill to see the houses completed! What a wonderful feeling knowing the recipients will no longer have to be rained on and the moms will have a nice place to put their babies to sleep. I consider it a joy to be a part of what God is doing around the world. 

Another highlight was witnessing a young boy who had been raised a Buddhist, sitting at the foot of the cross. He was challenged by the teaching times and was coming to grips with his own mortality. I shared James 4:14 that says, "our life is just a mist, here one day and then gone the next" and he realized that he wanted to stop having doubts and go All In for God. I know that God will continue to reveal himself to this young man in new and exciting ways. 

​At the foot of the cross…

​At the foot of the cross…

​David the cook

​David the cook

I also met David. He was our cook. David is wandering through life with unanswered questions. He is super-smart, and yet he's made choices that keep him far from the One who knows and loves him best. David plans to go on a road trip in search of the answers to the questions he's asking God. He's funny, very capable, and too smart for his own good—he's his own worst enemy because he believes that he has to figure it all out before he surrenders. Somehow I think God wants us to surrender first and then figure it out together. 

David may have to drive and drive before he is ready to give up and let God be God in his life. But I believe that he desires truth, he wants to know, he just has to decide to let God be in control. Pray with me, that David will find what he's looking for on his road trip, that he will meet Jesus, surrender and go all in.