Almost Published…

Coming Soon to a Bookshelf Near You! | © 2013 Ends of the Earth Publishing All Rights Reserved

Coming Soon to a Bookshelf Near You! | © 2013 Ends of the Earth Publishing All Rights Reserved

We've had a little side project going for years now—yes, years! When the kids were in elementary school, Kay Charlotte had the brainstorm to write a children's book. After a lot of hard work, it's almost done. 

Why Do I Have to Go to School Today? is about a little boy (ahem) who doesn't want to go to school. Here's what we wrote on the back cover:

The amusing and heartwarming story of a boy who does not want to go to school. He dreams of being a pirate, cowboy, and an astronaut. His plans change when he meets a teacher who brings learning to life. Overnight, he makes big plans that will change his life forever. What a thrill to discover school in a new light. Parents, teachers and students alike will be delighted to read this wonderfully illustrated book. I know it will inspire young readers for a lifetime of adventure.

As you might imagine, this story is inspired by real life events… 

We're planning a very limited run of 100 copies—and it looks like we may be able to get it placed in all 40 Chula Vista elementary schools. We'll keep you posted!