High-Level Questions

Recently, one of our supporters asked us a series of really awesome questions that have caused us to think even more about what we do and how we do it. Here are the questions and our responses: 

At a high-level, what is God calling you to do in missions this year?

We’re called to make more missionaries. One of Kay Charlotte’s goals is to teach monthly in Discipleship Training Schools. She also intends to publish her children’s book. One of Craig’s big goals for the year is to rebrand Youth With A Mission San Diego Baja, and roll out our best-ever web site so that we can get more students who will become missionaries to every sphere of society.

 What Is Your Family Mission Statement? 

When Jesus sent 72 disciples ahead of him, he told them that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few, and to pray for more workers. Have you ever wondered who those workers are and how they get to the field? We have dedicated ourselves to inspire, train and release those workers. We make more missionaries—starting with our global network of Mission Adventures outreaches for teens, and continuing with our work with Discipleship Training Schools and Homes of Hope.

What are your minimum goals, primary goals and visionary goals for the year?

Minimum Goals

  • Take the whole family on at least one ministry trip in 2013. 
  • Rebrand YWAM San Diego/Baja

Primary Goals 

  • Rebrand MissionAdventures.net
  • Deploy Mission Adventures Theme for 2014
  • Disciple our Mission Adventures leaders in their regions.

Visionary Goals

  • 2nd Homes of Hope house in Uganda
  • Drill another water well in Africa
  • Homes of Hope International Documentation

What is one of your cycles of learning from the last year?

We’re learning to seek harmony between our family life and our work life. We are intentionally including our kids in as much of our ministry as possible.

What is your biggest accomplishment of 2012: 

Our 2012 highlight was placing the keys to the first Home of Hope in Africa into the hands of a woman named Faith. We lead a team of 18 to Bulanga, Uganda to pioneer the Homes of Hope ministry to Africa. We are so proud of this accomplishment and are making plans to return with another team this year to build the next home.

What is a discipleship story from the last year when you had an impact on someone's life?

For the last month we’ve taken in a young man who got stuck along his way. We’ve have helped him take the first steps at reengaging with his family. We’ve prayed with him, encouraged him, and mentored him as he begins to rebuild his life. Although there’s a long road ahead of him, and there may be further stops, we are so grateful that our home could be the place where he makes his new start. 

Even though it seems like life is super-busy, it was really valuable for Kay Charlotte and me to think through these questions. (In fact, we wrote a whole bunch more… perhaps that can be part of a future post!)

We found this so valuable, we want to turn it around and ask you to answer these questions about your life. 

What are your answers to these questions?

Feel free to post your answers below!