She Spoke Life

Two weeks ago, Kay Charlotte spoke in a Discipleship Training School in the Dominican Republic.

(Aside: This week she's speaking at the DTS in Tijuana; next week at the DTS in Vancouver—busy woman!) 

One of her students wrote this on her blog:

The next week we had Kay Charlotte. She talked about Identity in Christ. I think that was my favourite week of the school so far. We talked about the things that hold us from being the people God created us to be and what holds us from seeing ourselves the way God sees us. We talked about pride, being vulnerable, and how important dealing with the past is. We talked about forgiveness and the effects the lack of forgiveness has on us. She spoke life into us and for me, God brought so much freedom through her. Praise God that His yolk [sic] is easy and His burden is light. On Friday that week, we went to a cemetery. Sounds weird- I know. When we first arrived Kay Charlotte told us that God has spoken to her to share Romans 8 with us. The very same passage that God spoke to my heart one week before. We spent time there sitting and talking with God. Verse 10 says, “But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness.” Being in a cemetery really gives you a solid visual of being dead to yourself- it’s probably the best visual there could be! When Jesus said, “Take up your cross and follow me” he meant it to be a one way trip- dying to yourself and living in reckless abandon because of what is ALREADY finished. All things are possible with Him.
— Mairi Macpherson

I'm so proud of Kay Charlotte for how she's giving of herself to these students. Please pray for her as we both have had a busy travel schedule this fall, with a lot more to come! (Stay tuned!) 

I encourage you to take a look at the rest of Mairi's blog post here: 

Lead me to where my trust is without borders.