How a Pattern in Genesis Shows Up in My Life

There’s a pattern that’s repeated in the first chapters of Genesis, and I’m seeing that this same pattern still plays out in my life.

Rainbow Drawing by Alex Jackman via Unsplash

Rainbow Drawing by Alex Jackman via Unsplash

I believe God chose to tell us three stories to reveal the pattern to us.

The pattern goes like this:

  1. God blesses

  2. Humanity messes up

  3. God explains the consequences

  4. God gives hope for the future

The three stories that show this repeating pattern are the Fall of Humanity found in Genesis 3, The Flood found in Genesis 6, and the Tower of Babel found in Genesis 11. I’m not going to break out how the pattern plays out in each story in this post. (But maybe I will in a future one?) Instead, I want to show you how this pattern plays out in my life.

God Blesses

I could (and maybe should) go on and on about the countless blessings God has given me. Right now, I’m very aware of the blessings of good health, a home to shelter in, and a follow-me-invitation to participate with Him in His purposes on the earth.

This Human Messes Up

I could (but I will not on this blog) go on and on about the countless ways in which I mess up. But I will share this. I keep trying to earn my place with him. This less-than-productive month at home without my normal traveling and teaching routine has forced me to consider what value I add to the world.

God Explains Consequences

This attitude of earning my place has created a barrier between me and God. It suggests that what Christ did on Good Friday was not quite enough to justify me. Instead of relying on the cross, I’ve been thinking that it’s what I do for God that makes me worthy. He’s looking to be with me while I’ve been trying to work for Him.

God Gives Hope for the Future

This pandemic has forced me to relearn the rhythms of an undeserved grace. I believe he’s using this season to recalibrate my compass and point me towards the true north of rich relationship with him. All those rainbows in the windows and on the sidewalks are a promise for me that He is with me, available to me, and that one day we will be face-to-face forever.

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.
— Jesus (Matthew 11:28-30) in The Message