Kay Charlotte in Charlotte
Last week I went to the YWAM center Charlotte, North Carolina to teach in their Discipleship Training School (DTS) on Spiritual Authority and Warfare. It was an exciting time. The students were eager to learn how to:
- Recognize the voice of the enemy
- Refuse to cooperate with him
- Repent to close the doors they opened, and
- Resist him aggressively in Jesus' name
I had the privilege of meeting one-on-one with the students and staff. It was a precious time to listen, to encourage, and to pray with each of them. One couple even sent me a little thank you card with such a sweet note:
"Dear Kay Charlotte,
Thank you for your words about God's timing and His detail. They are the exact words He's been speaking to us through our reading of Leviticus!"
I've accepted several other teaching weeks in DTS' around the world over the next six months. This is such an amazing privilege. It's very fulfilling to see a student "get it" and understands that God has a wonderful plan for their life. In my teaching, I share from my life-experiences—from the pain of losing my mother to cancer as a teenager, to the vices I was ensnared in growing up; from hitting rock bottom at the age of 19 in Houston and finally deciding to accept Christ's forgiveness at a tiny country church. In addition, I get to tell my stories about God's miraculous provision, traveling the world, and even meeting practicing cannibals!
I love what I do, and I'm so grateful to be sent out by so many that give generously to our ministry. I'll keep you posted!