Click the photo above to scroll through a slideshow of some of the photos I took in Ireland. I've been using Instagram a lot lately. So if you're an Instagram-er, be sure to follow me, @craig_mcclurg. Click here to see all the Instagram pics that all of us posted in Ireland.
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I made a whirlwind trip to Northern Ireland last week. Our Mission Adventures partners in Europe invited me to speak at their WAVES Gathering in a small little town called Rostrevor. I arrived a day early to pray and plan with my friends Zhenya Shulgin and Anders Myklebust. These two guys are fun, talented, and pretty much amazing. They're providing leadership to a whole bunch of European YWAMers that run Mission Adventures ministries.
All together there were thirty people from nine YWAM centers in seven nations. It was amazing to worship with and hear the stories of these faithful workers. A highlight for me was to just be a guest speaker. Most of the time, I'm called on to plan and prepare everything. Our Network in Europe is now strong enough to stand on its own without me having to do it. Of course, this is due to Anders' and Zhenya's wonderful leadership.
In the next several months, we will see a thousand young people participate in Mission Adventures in Europe. Half of them will go to London for YWAM's Olympic Games outreach. The others will head out all over the continent.
Your prayers for and support of my family connect you with these worthy workers. Together we are in partnership in expanding God's Kingdom in Europe—thank you!