McAnnual Reports through the Years

As I wrote up our 2023 McAnnual Report, I came across some older ones that I thought were interesting. While I have done these at the end of the year, I’ve never truly done them annually, haha! (Maybe I shouldn’t call them McAnnual Reports… but McEnd-of-the-Year Report doesn’t sound as good…)

Anyway here’s a gallery of our reports dating back to 2012. Just tap or click the image to view the report.

You’ll note that the report from 2013 is about YWAM San Diego/Baja and not just the McClurgs. You might want to look at that one, and then look at a similar report about our ministry’s activity in 2023:

Finally, I’ve added links to these reports at the bottom of any page of the site. It looks like this:

Quick access to any of our end of year reports… Enjoy!