We're going back to Uganda to build another Homes of Hope house. Here's how you can pray with us:
The Spiffy Control Box Thingie™
The Barrels of Cool Stuff that Become Foam™
The Spray Nozzle Thingie™
The Mold: The block mold was shipped weeks ago, and should arrive in time for the advance crew to make us enough blocks to build a home. Of course, there may be delays in shipping or customs, so pray everything is in place on time.
The Barrels: The barrels of polyurethane foam (that the blocks are made out of) were also shipped weeks ago. We have conflicting reports on whether they are in port or still in transit. Pray that the shipping company can straighten this out and that these supplies also arrive in time.
Please note: If these barrels do not arrive in time, we may be able to secure some alternate chemicals in Kampala. If that falls through we will build a masonry home, like we did for Faith and her family in Bulanga. Don't worry, we will build a house!
The Spray equipment: Our advance team, ("The Guys" below), will be bringing in the spray equipment next week. This consists of some long hoses, a nozzle "gun" assembly, a control box and pumps that fit into the barrels. As you can imagine, most customs officials probably have never seen anything like this equipment. Pray for favor and smooth entry into Uganda. Oh, and pray for no lost luggage!
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Sergio and Johny fly to Uganda on Monday. Pray for safe travels. Pray that they are able to enter with no problems and are able to get everything set up in Jinja and ready for our arrival. These two will be our expert builders, and I know they need your prayers!
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Finally, pray that this trip results in a way forward—we hope and pray these are the beginning steps of a home building movement among the poorest of the poor in Africa. Our hope is that our efforts will inspire African churches to take up the challenge of helping their own people out of poverty. Our team is the catalyst for getting the block building equipment in country. And we will be building the first house of this style in Uganda. As with any pioneering effort, there are many obstacles to overcome. However, through prayer, we can depend on God, and work hard to see Him use us to accomplish His purposes!
Thanks for your prayers!
This is a polystyrene block.
This is the block-making mold thingie™
Here's what the block wall looks like as it's being built!