Last week we stayed at a big beach house with friends for some YWAM meetings. During a devotional time together, one of our friends gave each of us a rock and said it was us. They pointed to the Pacific Ocean and said that was the Word of God. They then asked all of us, "Are you up here where the spray might get you wet every once in a while? Or are you like the rocks on the shore, occasionally getting wet with the tides? Where do you want to be?" Of course, I couldn't resist throwing my rock as far out into the surf as possible. Our friend then pointed to the other rocks on the shore and noted how that they were all smooth and round. The incessant wave action had chipped, rubbed, and sanded off all the rough edges. They warned/encouraged us that if we're going to be in the Word, and in the presence of the one who is the Word, then we should recognize that this is going to change us.
After a few minutes of pondering the waves, we were encouraged to meditate on some scripture. As I've done in the past, I've enjoyed re-writing some passages in my own words to help me get at the deeper meaning and to help me connect with God. This time I sat and read the Lord's Prayer found in Matthew 6. Here's what I wrote:
"Oh Papa, here, everywhere, and beyond, your names are amazing! Can your presence be thicker here? Help me to align my life with your purposes today; I want to live like it's already heaven here. Thanks for taking care of me, for all the food, and everything else. I'm sorry that I'm often afraid, that I'm selfish, and too proud to change my ways. I know I can be so judgmental, but I let go of the aches and pains I've been dealt. Can you please help me in my mind and my will and my words? And keep that evil jerk away from me. I'm no match for him without you. Amen!"