Seeds of Hope Planted…

The Spangs and Dr. Tim walk where we hope hundreds of Homes of Hope will be built for the poorest of the poor. ​

The Spangs and Dr. Tim walk where we hope hundreds of Homes of Hope will be built for the poorest of the poor. ​

Last month we visited Youth With A Mission Hopeland in Jinja, Uganda. Along with our friends and coworkers, Kody and Lindsay Spang, we met with Director, Dr. Tim Latham, his leadership team, and Sam Kisolo, a founder of YWAM's work in Uganda. To be honest, I thought we'd have to sell the concept a bit more. But to our pleasant surprise, all the leaders of YWAM Hopeland expressed their long-standing desire to pioneer a Homes of Hope ministry on their base.

We listened to the leadership team and heard them tell of how they want to develop a multifaceted ministry to house the poorest of the poor. In addition to building homes, they intend to give young men vocational training in construction and give them the opportunity to help build homes for families in their own communities. ​

Significant challenges remain. Please join with us and the YWAMers in Jinja to pray for:​

  • God to raise up a Homes of Hope leader in Jinja
  • God to release finances to buy building materials
  • God to provide for YWAMers from San Diego/Baja to go to Jinja and help pioneer

The YWAMers in Jinja are eager to get started, and the staff at YWAM San Diego/Baja are eager to help. Tentative plans are being made to send a small team of staff next year to work alongside the staff in Jinja to see Homes of Hope multiplied in Africa. ​We're so grateful to be a part of this story. Please join with us in prayer and we hope soon, Homes of Hope will take root in African soil.