Ten Things that Require Zero Talent

  1. Being on time
  2. Work hard
  3. Effort
  4. Body language
  5. Energy
  6. Attitude
  7. Passion
  8. Being coach able
  9. Doing extra
  10. Being Prepared

In the last few weeks I've been asked to speak at a couple of different YWAM bases to the staff that are running their Mission Adventures ministries. I talked about things like what it means to be on staff, how to minister to teenage students, and how to be partners with youth workers and pastors. I talked about the history of Mission Adventures and shared some stories from the early days.

And it seemed to me that the people I was talking to were super eager to know what to do, how to do it, and why it should get done. I mean they were very conscientious about wanting to do a good job, and it was clear that they wanted to help bless and encourage the students and their leaders.

Of course, both Kay Charlotte and I have lots to say about the why, how, and what of leading Mission Adventures. But I came across this list on Instagram during some downtime, and I realized that much of what we had been encouraging the staff to do was summarized pretty well here. And it turns out, this isn't exactly Mission Adventures specific. If you want to make a difference, or be a great employee, or an amazing boss or leader, this is some great encouragement!