That "Aha!" Moment


So I'm in Long Beach, California this week. I'm teaching in one of YWAM's Discipleship Training Schools. (This is the entry level course for our University of the Nations. It's offered at more than 400 locations around the world). I've got 12 students from 5 nations and this week we're discussing Mission and Outreach. It's a timely topic for them because a week from Thursday these students finish up the classroom phase of their school and they head out for two months of cross-cultural outreach.

I'm telling you, it's a real privilege for me to get to do this. I've found that I love teaching, and of course, I'm passionate about the topic, so that makes it easy and hard. It's easy to be motivated to do it, but hard to figure out what I'm going to say—there's just so much! I think my favorite part is those moments where I say something, and I see the light bulbs go on… kinda like in the cartoons you know? For example, today I was talking about how God is already active in the places that the students are going. He's been on the move, and it's their privilege to see what He's been up to, and join Him in the work He's prepared them to do. And I saw it—the lightbulb. I saw them grasp it and I saw that the pressure they'd been putting themselves of having to bring Jesus to these people melt away as they realized He's already there waiting for them to arrive.

I ask that you pray for me and for my students the rest of this week. Pray for more, lightbulb moments. And pray too, for my health. I've been fighting a bit of a cold this week, and I can feel it draining my energy. Thanks so much for being on this mission with us!