Over the last 20+ years in YWAM I’ve done a lot of cool projects. And one of my latest ones was interesting. It’s a book that encompasses a whole lot of the mission’s history. I’ve only designed a few books, (like the Mission Adventures Journal), and I was surprised how many little details there are in creating this kind of document.
This is a book that was used at the western North America YWAM leaders’ gathering. It is 132 pages of historical documents, several ofwhat we call signpost messages, and several letters from YWAM’s founding generation.
I attended the gathering a few weeks ago, and I was surprised at the number of compliments I received. It turns out that a lot of leaders really appreciated having access to all these documents in one place.
This project had to be done fast, but even though there wasn’t a lot of time, I’m pleased with how it turned out.