Proud of my students!
“Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people.”
Hey Kids,
It's a brand new school year, and I'm super excited for all that you'll experience in the next 9 months. I pray for you every day, and this year, I'm going to be praying for four things for you:
That You Grow in Wisdom. Yeah, so school is all about acquiring knowledge. And that's a good thing… but wisdom is something else. What I mean by wisdom, is knowledge that is applied in your life. It's knowledge that's lived out. It's knowledge that's not just stuck in your head, but expressed in your decisions and choices.
I Pray that You Grow in Stature. So sure, stature means height, and yes, I want you to get taller this year. But what I'm praying for is that you'll be physically healthy, and that you'll grow. So I pray that you eat your vegetables. Seriously. I pray that you'll have the recommended number of servings of fruit. And I pray that you are active. That you'll enjoy being outside and that you play hard, and that you get involved in stuff like archery and volleyball and gymnastics.
I Pray that You Grow in Favor with God. I pray that in the next nine months you'll know God. And I don't mean that you'll learn a few facts about him, but that you'll develop your relationship with him. I pray that you'll discover how much he loves you. I pray you'll know just how acceptable you are to him.
I Pray that You Grow in Favor with People. Finally, I hope you grow socially this year too. I pray that you'll continue to increase your circle of friends. I pray that you'll be great friends to others, and that you'll have great friends that give you permission to become who you really are meant to be. And, I know it's a stretch, but I pray you'll be friends to each other.
So yeah, go ahead and roll your eyes. Your old man can handle it. Just know that I'm praying you'll grow in every dimension this year.