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Visiting Faith and Multiplication

None of us could stop smiling…

Faith's old mud hut is now used to store maize.​

Faith greets Kay Charlotte outside her new home.​

I was caught off guard as she grabbed my neck from the side and put a chokehold on me. I never saw her approaching. It wasn’t until she managed to jump her way to the front of me, that I was able to breath and see that she was wearing the same dress that I had last seen her in 8 months prior. I’m sure that was the only item of clothing she owned. She was so happy to see me again, and I too was excited to get to see how her life had changed. And to breathe again. 

I had no way of understanding the life change that had been made possible for her through the team of builders that I coordinated just 8 short months before. After Faith stopped hugging and jumping up and down with joy, from getting to see me again, she wanted to show me her new home. It was lovely and was swept clean with the beds all made. She took me from room to room around her new place. Telling me that she is so pleased with how she lives now. She was comparing what she had with what she now has. It was such a thrill to see the difference in how she had been living and what she had now. The biggest difference though was in how she acted and the glow on her face. Her head was now lifted high as she walked with dignity around her new home. She was so proud of the way she now lived. Her smile was permanently fixed. She welcomed her neighbors in with joy too as they came to meet all of our team in hopes that they too may some day recieve a new Home of Hope. 

We asked Faith a few questions so that we could hear about the changes that her new home had offered her. She began to ask if everyone knew God and that if we didn’t we needed to give Him glory for everything. It was great, to hear and funny because the majority of the people in the room were missionaries, but she still gave a message for those who perhaps didn’t know Him. It was great. She was so transformed in her thinking and attitude that God can do ANYTHING, and He offers it to everyone. She talked of how she was in despair and misery living in the mud hut and that she would constantly ask God to not let it rain. She said misery over and over again with her countenance downcast.  Then she’d speak of her new home and smile and say that God was so generous to see her and now she prays for rain all of the time. She said that she and her children were healthy and happy.

Students from Bright Hope school surrounded Faith's new home with worship and prayer.​

As our time with her came to a close, we went outside, surprised to find more than 300 of the orphanage children surrounding her house. They had not made a sound as they approached. I had asked them to come so that we could pray. I believe that God has an even greater plan for Africa, more than just one Home of Hope. I KNOW that God wants to multiply this ministry of blessing throughout all of Africa. I felt as though God said that He would bring Homes of Hope to Africa through dancing,  singing, and child like faith. At that point, the drums began to beat, and the children began songs of worship and dances of joy at the greatness of God. It was fabulous to be a part of hundreds of his kids dancing, singing and believing Him to multiply what He had done with a woman named Faith.  After the drums and singing faded, Faith prayed “God to give to others what you gave to me. Change their lives like you changed mine. Make a difference for others like you’ve done for me. You are not limited but are able to do what is impossible.” Then we all said…. “AMEN!”

Students clapped and danced and sang songs to the Lord.​

With hands lifted high, we asked God to build more homes for widows and orphans in Uganda and beyond.​

The sound of hundreds of young voices filled the air.​

With hands covering their faces, the children prayed for multiplication.