
My Dog Judah Was Good at Waiting


Our black Labrador died a few years ago. One of the things I remember most about him is how he loved tennis balls. The ball was life to him. When I had it in my hand, ready to throw, I had Judah’s full attention. He was focused. He stared at it, his ears up, every sense tuned to me. Often he would very slowly sit down, even if I didn’t tell him to. He knew good things happened after a sit.

Sometimes I would set the ball down in front of him and say, “Wait”. Judah was good at waiting. He would stare still at the ball, hoping, willing it to move. He’d often steal a look at my face, to see if he could read my intent. Of course I would kick the ball and send them both in random directions. He’d come trotting back, with a spring in his step, chomping away at the dirty tennis ball in his mouth.

* * * * * * *

Today is Holy Saturday. It’s a day for waiting. The original disciples didn’t know what they were waiting for… maybe the other shoe was going to be dropped. Maybe they too would be arrested, beaten, and killed. They locked themselves in a room and waited. We of course, already know the rest of the story. But still it is good to wait. It’s good for me to focus my attention on the Master. In my waiting, I can still myself. As I wait, I can remember all the times He has been good to me. In my waiting, I can prepare myself to move and to act.

And I suppose the whole world is in a kind of waiting. Billions of us are under shelter at home orders. It is good to wait. Let’s focus on our Master and pray for Him to move.

Wait patiently for the Lord.
Be brave and courageous.
Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.
— Psalm 27:14 (NLT)
  • Photo Credit: Joshua Hoehne via Unsplash