What I'm Reading
I read on my iPad every single day…
I read a lot every day. I follow bunches of blogs and am always gathering info about all sorts of nerdy things. I guess it's how I'm wired. Anyway, I'm often asked what I read, so here's a short list:
- Jamie the Very Worst Missionary I don't always agree with her, but I love, love, love her honesty. She's witty, she's deep, and her candor has helped me grow.
- Doggie Head Tilt You know how a dog will tilt her head when she's trying to figure out what you're saying? Yeah, I get that every time I read Michael Metzger's stuff.
- Darrow Miller and Friends Darrow taught in the YWAM Leadership Training School that I attended way back in 2002. His thoughts on development and how to bring change are profound.
- Shared Laments Leah Ouimet lives with our family. She's a deep thinker. And she can write. I love her questions and how she puts concepts together.
Of course, I read all sorts of nerdy stuff about tech, development, photography, and art, so these are just the highlights! If you wanna know more about what else I read, contact me!