the McClurg's

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You Can Do It

Kay Charlotte and the Students of the YWAM Los Angeles Discipleship Training School. Note that only some of the students responded to the photographers instruction, "Okay, now be super-serious!" :D

It is an incredible privilege to speak into the lives of missionary training students. In the last three weeks, I've spoken to around 35 Discipleship Training School (DTS) students at the YWAM centers in Las Vegas and Los Angeles. In both cities, I spent time lecturing, leading group discussions, meeting one-on-one.

Many students who come to our DTS' have had painful life experiences. I often hear the tragic stories of the things they have suffered through. Some of them have never told anyone of the painful events that have shaped them, and it is healing for them to just get it out. I am grateful to be a person that listens to, prays for, and affirms them. Although it can be heartbreaking to hear their stories, it is such a thrill to see the light go on in their minds and hearts when they realize that the world did not stop spinning when they confessed sin, or finally revealed something that they'd kept hidden for years. I get to cry with them, challenge them, and pick them up, dust them off and tell them "You can do it!"  I get to be a "Mom" to these kids around the world. What a thrill to be a part of this life-changing event for them. 

Here are a few things that some of my students have told me in the last few weeks:

  • "Thank you for telling me to value myself, it was a word in due season for me."  
  • "Thank you for pouring into me, I really appreciate your time and dedication to listening me."  
  • "The teachings were incredible. I loved the visuals, stories, content format and ways you allowed us to learn with a variety of learning methods. Fabulous." 

I consider it a blessing to be a part of the healing journey for these college aged kids and look forward to more opportunities to help, teach, train, encourage, and mostly to tell them, "You can do it !"