On September 12, I rode a bus from Bulanga to Kampala Uganda. As I stared out the window at what seemed to me to be like an alien landscape, I realized what a privilege I have to be able to see and experience this amazing place. I took out my iPhone and held it at the open window and snapped away. Over the course of about two and a half hours I took more than 300 photos of life along the road. I posted several of them to Instagram (follow me, my Instagram name is craig_mcclurg), and got a ton of great feedback. With that encouragement, I've decided to post the best of the photos here.
To me, these imperfections give the photos in this collection a sense of motion and even a bit more realism than perfect photos would give.
Note that these were all snapped as the bus went along at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour, so many of them lack sharp focus. Several even exhibit skewing due to the rolling shutter effect. I did some minimal retouching, and no cropping or other correction. To me, these imperfections give the photos in this collection a sense of motion and even a bit more realism than "perfect" photos would give.
I hope you enjoy these photos and that you get a bit of a taste of what life in rural Uganda is like.