We got a whole metric ton* of great feedback on our paper McAnnual Report that we thought we'd finish up the year on the blog with some Top 5's. (And if you didn't get the McAnnual Report in the mail, maybe we've got your address mixed up somehow. You can fix that by signing up on our mailing list here, and we'll get a copy out to you pronto… Meanwhile you can enjoy the content here.) Okay, without further ado, here are some top 5's!
Top 5 Blog Posts of 2012
It's no surprise that our most popular posts were (nearly all) about Africa—we did take the family twice to Uganda, and that qualifies as big news around here!
Top 5 McNews Emails of 2012
We got a lot of great comments on our (more or less) monthly family emails. Here are our most popular messages this year. (What's that you say? You're not on the list? You can fix that in the next 30 seconds!)
Top 5 Instagram Pics
Craig posted approximately one jillion phtotos to Instagram this year. ;) Seriously though, he's built quite a following—here are his most popular photos this year.
Ensenada Sunset | June 13, 2012 | Ensenada, Mexico | No Filter | Canon T2i | 60 Likes; 5 Comments
Overflight | August 9, 2012 | Balboa Park, San Diego | Amaro | iPhone 4S | 58 Likes; 5 Comments
Ladies of Bulanga | October 4, 2012 | Bulanga, Uganda | No Filter | Canon T2i | 59 Likes; 7 Comments
Taylor in a Box with Smirk | December 23, 2012 | VSCO Cam | iPhone 4S | 57 Likes; 3 Comments