Monday, December 31st Is Coming Fast!
2012 was an amazing year! As you can see, God did a lot of things in and through our family this year. As you may know, we do not receive a salary for our work with Youth With A Mission San Diego/Baja. Instead, family and friends who believe in us support us financially. This year, we have been sent by the generosity of so many people. Kay Charlotte and I believe this is such a privilege and we are so grateful to God for how He has provided.
As we look at 2013, it is shaping up to be equally incredible. Already we have opportunities to minister in Australia, Brasil, and the Dominican Republic. It's quite possible there will be another trip to Uganda in 2013 as well. All this travel gets expensive, so we are trusting God to continue to meet our needs for next year.
If you'd like to send us into 2013, there's still time to receive a tax deduction for your year-end gift.
The Youth With A Mission Accounting department can accept checks postmarked as late as December 31, 2012. Keep in mind that our office has reduced hours this week, so your best bet may be to donate the Youth With A Mission San Deigo/Baja web site. It's fast, simple and secure. We've also posted some easy-to-follow illustrated instructions here.
We are taking some time this week to reflect on 2012 and pray into 2013. We hope and pray that you can do the same and that next year your life will be filled with nothing less than the presence of Jesus.!