Cool Facts About the University of the Nations

Youth With A Mission's University of the Nations is truly unique. It's a global university designed to train students to be messengers of the Gospel into every sphere of society.

Two weeks ago, the U of N held it's biennial Workshop at our campus in Tijuana, Mexico. Here are some pretty cool facts about the University:

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16,500 Total Students in 2010, a 12% Increase from 2008

11,300 Discipleship Training School Students in 2010

5,200 Second-Level Students in 2010

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550 Global Training Locations in 2010, a 49% Increase from 2008

160 Countries in Which Courses Are Taught, a 33% Increase from 2008

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We are so encouraged by all the amazing thing God is doing in and through the University of the Nations. Kay Charlotte and I are humbled to teach for students in this university and we are very excited to help staff the  Compassion and Mercy Discipleship Training School in Tijuana ths fall.