The Awesome Students of the DTS
I spent the week with five amazing young women at Youth With A Mission in Las Vegas. They are the students of the Abolitionist Discipleship Training School there. They've come from all across the country to sit at the feet of Jesus to learn from Him and become more like Him.
My role this week was to teach on The Father Heart of God, and Relationships: Love, Sex and Dating. Wow, what an awesome responsibility and an amazing privilege. The experience was a powerful one for me. I really enjoyed spending time with these women and sharing with them about how God sees them. It was incredible to unpack with them the great design God has for us in love and romance. It was humbling for me to share my stories, my failures and my successes.
A highlight for me was to take our small class to Starbucks, and talk about love around the table. It was so cool to hear from each one of them and discuss how good God is. As I'm writing this, waiting to board my flight, I feel like the time was too short. Even though I long to be home with my family, I wish I could have had more time with these amazing students. I'll be praying for them as they continue with their school.
Oh, and what's super cool is that next week they'll be studying about their Identity in Christ with my most favorite teacher ever, the wonderful Kay Charlotte! ;)
KC: Staff Leader from Germany
Cat: Just turned 19 the other day—HBDTY!
Allison: Super Cool and Fun
Leah: Deep thinker and writer.
Ruth Ann: Gifted in Leadership
Amber: Eager to learn.