I'm Off to the Great Northwest

The Wild Blue Yonder… 

The Wild Blue Yonder… 

I'm headed to Oregon this week to meet with the team at Church Art Works in Salem. I'll be working with them on next year's Mission Adventures theme materials. I'm really excited about this because I've never done this before. Usually I spend weeks iterating different tee shirt concepts etc., but with my other responsibilities and heavier travel schedule this year, I just don't have the time. So I'm bringing in the professionals! While I am excited, I'm also a bit nervous. These guys do this stuff full-time, for a living, and they get paid for it—they're professionals, and they can even draw! So I'l be a little bit out of my depth ;) But I am excited to see the bones of our theme take on some flesh. 

Here's how you can pray for me this week:

  1. To clearly be able to communicate the theme concept. 
  2. For chemistry with the talented team in Salem.
  3. For amazing, creative, and relevant art that will inspire thousands of kids next year. 

Please also pray for my family this week. Kay Charlotte caught some sort of flu bug that just will not go away. She's been down for eight whole days now, and is getting a little bit stir crazy. So pray for grace and health. Thanks!